Finish This…Week #6 *Valentines Edition*
Here we are with a very special edition of Finish This all about love and all the goodness that revolves around Valentines Day itself.
Our lovely hosts are the following: Lisa at Coastlined, Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Airzona Russums, and Becky at The Java Mama! Check them out and then play along!
1. I celebrate Valentines Day by…
Normally its some kind of dinner at home, nothing really special usually. Normally I have Jason make us his special sweet n’ sour chicken, and we enjoy that and just do our normal everyday things. We are boring. I try to at least get him a card, but otherwise it’s a down low day for us. This year since it’s a Friday, will be even weirder and am not sure how we will work it or if we even will. Since Friday’s are Jason’s soccer game nights, I’ll get back to you on how we actually spent the day. BUT…we are leaving for a vacation next Saturday, and that was kind of our late Valentines Day/Roxy’s Birthday all rolled into one.
2. My heart goes pitter-patter for…
Really so many things and its all those little everyday things, but here I’ll list a few of my tops. Random texts messages (or of the likes with Facebook love, twitter love, etc – you get the idea) just sending some love and knowing they are thinking of you, puppies – oh that breathe and those kisses with those little tiny sharp teeth, flowers just because, books – oh that smell, that feel!!, and of course happy hours! Those are only the tip of the iceberg!
3. When looking for romance, my best advice is…
Don’t really look. Just look for friends to do things with and get to know, before you know it that “one” will wander into your life without any qualms that they are indeed the one. You’ll know, and you won’t have the heart ache of “searching” for them.
4. My favorite love story (real or fiction) is…
I know there are countless love stories that I have read that I just loved and adored, but they are not coming to me. Instead, I’ll name a few movies that I love the love story in and make me swoon: Pretty Woman, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Hope Floats and Sixteen Candles. I’m a hopeless late 80’s early 90’s girl for the most part.
5. The best relationship/love/dating advice I ever received…
Is never ever go without telling someone you love them anytime you can because sadly sometimes that might be the very last time you are able, and it would be heartbreaking second guessing if they knew just how much you loved them!