Week 6 #CatchTheMoment365 for 2014

Here we have another week already gone for Catch the Moment 365, hard to believe we already have six weeks fully gone of the year.  This challenge has been amazingly fun for me to see what shots I can get each day, especially when most days are pretty boring and routine in my life. 

Even though one of my goals for this yearly challenge was to learn my manual settings more, again this last week didn’t have me doing that  much or thinking about using it.  Still I am pretty happy with this week’s shots and hope that you find one or two that you enjoy as well.

Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming are our wonderful hosts and are guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group.  If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at anytime in the year and see what you can do!
Day 36 - Chimney Smoke on a Windy Day - Angie's Angle
36/365 – I went out to check to  make sure the smoke coming out of the chimney looked normal and not black or anything (I am super paranoid about a fire from our woodstove).  When I did that I saw Roxy had somehow the night before had gotten her blue ball outside, so I took a picture of that and then looked up and decided this could be a fun shot.  It was really windy as well when I took this.
Day 37 - First Day of the Storm - Feb 6th (11) - Angie's Angle
37/365 – This is the first day of our huge snow storm. We rarely get snow and if we do its usually just an inch or two and is gone the next day or shortly after anyway.  This was thick heavy snow, that just kept coming.  I liked how Roxy was standing there looking out at it. 
Day 38 - Second Day of the Storm - Feb 7th (3) - Angie's Angle
38/365 – Second day of snow falling and staying put.  Decided it would be fun to try and go out and get some shots of Roxy while outside.  She decided though she was basically done outside by the time I got out there.  I was lucky enough of to get this shot of her running my way.
Day 39 - Teresa makes the best seat - Angie's Angle
39/365 – Top:  One of my very best friends was able to come over for a weekend visit with her daughter Ava.  Ava & Roxy decided that Teresa made the perfect seat and cuddle person.  I thought this was such a sweet photo.  Bottom:  After Teresa and Ava went down for bed, I look over shortly after and Roxy had dugout in her bed and cocooned herself into her blanket where she was almost completely hidden, made me laugh.
Day 39 (2) - Roxy cocooned herself - Angie's Angle
Day 40 - Roxy beating up Tracer
40/365 – Teresa’s husband, her son Tommy, and their dog Tracer made it back to the house after a basically failed attempt of a Sea Cadet gathering with another troop for the weekend because of everything being shut down in the Portland area.  This was Sunday morning while they were gathering up and getting ready to head back to Spokane – Roxy decided she wanted to play with Tracer.  This looks like she is bopping in him in head.
Day 41 - New phone - finally a smartphone - Angie's Angle
41/365 – Not the best photo at all, but after many years of not having a smartphone Jason and I are finally smartphone owners.  We got an amazing deal on new phones for the both of us with a $50 Best Buy Gift card for each of our phones, which in turn we order our new phone cases online with those.  Am happy to finally have an actual smartphone.
Day 42 - Starting Puzzle - Shaped like a heart - Angie's Angle
42/365 – Jason and I were starting the puzzle I am doing for a review and after I took the photo of the inner pieces all laid out on the table, I realized that it kind of is shaped like a heart which I thought was super funny and it had to be today’s photo!

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