Vacation Highlights
Now that I feel like I am truly getting back caught up with my emails and such, I can sit down and write a bit about our vacation and share some fun pictures. Time to get the blog up and going once again, who knew that even though I had scheduled posts that my views would drop so much in a little over a week time. Sad, sad Angie. Which means its time to get my booty back in gear all areas of my life – more on that later.
Our Vacation was pretty great, even though we don’t have a lot to show for it but a few pictures basically.
We left home Saturday afternoon and drove the 3 hours to Yachats, Oregon to find our vacation rental house. Our phone decided to crash the map program we were using, we ended up driving by the house the first time, but it didn’t take us very long to find it again. It was after all right off of Hwy 101.
We took a tour of the house and all looked good then called the rental agency to get our “walkthrough” done and papers signed. We got everything pulled into the house after that and then piled back into the car to drive the half hour down to Florence to go to Fred Meyer to get our groceries. It was a busy evening and because of that all I forgot to take my photo for the Catch the Moment 365, so had to cheat and take a photo later of what I would have taken the photo of most likely.
Sunday we ended up spending most of the day not doing much in the house. We did walk down to the beach for a bit even though it was super windy and rainy. We came back to the house after exploring the beach some and got warm and then played a few games and Jason made his yummy sweet n’ sour chicken. Below you’ll find some pictures of the Sunday happenings.
Monday we ended up driving down to Florence again to walk around and see what we could find. We found Old Town area of Florence and enjoyed walking down there. It was a beautiful sunny day close to 60. We also checked out the local casino and played a few slots, which was fun. A few photos are below to capture Monday’s going on’s.
Our last full day in Yachats, we drove down to Devil’s Churn area and walked around and explored the beach there some. After that we headed back to the house and just relaxed again, including taking in the sun on the master deck while watching the ocean. Tuesday is a bit more picture happy, as you’ll see below.
Wednesday we packed up and did what we needed to do for cleaning up the house and closing it back up. On the way back home we stopped into Newport to do some window shopping since we really couldn’t find what I was looking for in the other little cities we visited. We had to stop in and visit the famous Newport Sea Lions too while we were there before heading back on home.
I hope you enjoyed the peek at our vacation. I hate that all my photos are smallish and lack my watermark, but there was just to many of them on sharing this time to take the time and make them big and add in the watermark for each one.
It was a mellow relaxing time, which is probably just what we needed.