Finish This Week #42

Finish This wouldn’t be such a success without the following beautiful ladies:  Lisa at Coastlined, Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Arizona Russums, and Becky at The Java Mama!  Check them out and then play along!

I have been horrible at doing my regular weekly segments.  I am not sure what is going with me, but I am really trying to get back into a regular groove.  I miss it and really don’t like my numbers jumping around like they have lately.

finishthis-linkupbuttonI was surprised when I went to get this week’s prompts and there was only two of them. Odd, I thought.  There is a BIG Finish This coming up for the end of the year, it’ll go live the 31st of December – if you would like the prompts just ask and I can email them to you.

Finish This Week 42 Prompts

1.  It took me a long time to realize…
I am not sure.  I have sat on this question for quite some time and nothing is pulling out to me to answer the question with.  I thought about saying that people aren’t out to get me, but I still think that even though I’d like to think that I don’t.  Also, that everyone is talking behind my back and doesn’t like me.  Again I wish I could say I realize that isn’t true, but I don’t know.  It still sits back there and mocks me quite often. 

So let’s say its going to take me a long time to realize a lot of stuff and I haven’t yet achieved that okay mark on something.  

2.  I surround myself with…
Books, love, laughter, blankets, and Roxy.  Throw in some games, friends, music, tv/movies, food, and drinks and you’d find me even happier.

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 193 - Playing Ladder Ball


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