Project 52 – Week 12 – Silhouette #Project52
Welcome to Project 52. One theme, one photo, once a week. Simple. I hope this project will help you grow as a photographer. Amy, Sarah and I are going to co-host this link up each week. Each of us will pick a favorite from the previous link up to share each week.
I am not sure why but this week’s theme was hard for me. I didn’t even fully look up what silhouette actually meant fully in photography terms until yesterday. All I kept picturing for silhouette was this picture we took in Kindergarten or 1st garden of my head in black and my pigtails sticking out. Not super helpful in terms of getting a picture.
But as is my usual before I dive into this week’s theme, I want to take a look back on last week’s theme of texture. So many different aspects were taken of texture and I love that. A lot I wouldn’t even thought of. Great job guys!
My personal favorite was from Sarah over at 2 Paws Designs. She captured her little baby reach out to touch her new toy and it was just lovely and sweet.
Project 52 – Week 12 – Silhouette
As I mentioned briefly at the beginning of this post, I was clueless what I was going to capture for silhouette. I am not even sure if what I ended up with is even fully silhouette, but it’s all I have so it’ll have to do. I figured out I had a silhouette setting on my camera, which I played with and tried to capture the full silhouette of things, but I really didn’t get anything that screamed that is it. Sometimes I’d think on the camera screen it looked perfectly silhouetted but I’d get it on my computer and it would look nothing like it.
So there is mine. Not something I am super proud of it for the week, but it is what it is. Now it’s your turn to share your silhouette shot. Please remember this link up is ONLY for those that are doing the Project 52, not your random posts. Please do not link up if you are not linking up a Project 52 post, which this week is a silhouette photo.
Feel free to join us on instagram using the hashtag #Project52Photos.
Project 52
This Weeks Theme: Technology
Next Weeks Theme: Hidden
Here are the themes for the next 52 Weeks. Feel free to join in at any time!
Grab our button and share on your blog so others will join.
Come back next Friday and link up “Technology” photo. This could be a photo of your phone, or computer, or selfie with your camera.