Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 14 #CatchtheMoment365
I am so late on getting this up. This last week just wasn’t pleasant and full of worry and I couldn’t wrap my mind around this lovely blog of mine. Things feel like they are settling though and hopefully this next week will be better all around.
The littlest thing can show itself or happen and I’ll worry that it’s the worst possible outcome. It’s basically how my mind works, I wish it were different but it’s not at all. So sometimes my mind takes over and can think of nothing else BUT. That is exactly where I was this last week, I barely got the photos even. As quite a few of them are from the phone because I just couldn’t even think straight to get my real camera up.
Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 14
Day 92 – Thursday, April 2nd – I was going through my clothes and had my tank tops out of my drawer going through them to see if there were any that I wanted to get rid of. Roxy, the helpful girl she is, decided she was going to grab some of the tank tops and try to throw them across the bedroom. As soon as she saw me lift up my phone though, she sat nicely next to the pile of clothes for the yard sale. Me throw tank tops, says Roxy? Never!
Day 93 – Friday, April 3rd – Jason happened to look out and thought the evening looked weird. I think it had been raining and I am assuming it was the moon casting the odd glow.
Day 94 – Saturday, April 4th – We had plans to start cleaning out the main floor bedroom so we could get it cleaned out and done to put the full bed in there before June. Instead, I was waiting on Jason to help me and ended up working the whole day in the basement instead. This is the start of our yard sale area (minus the fan and a few other background things you see).
Day 95 – Sunday, April 5th – We had Easter over at Jason cousin Chelle’s house. This was the pretty centerpiece that I just loved!
Day 96 – Monday, April 6th – Since I was having one of those weeks where my mind took over everything with horrible thoughts, it was time for a cuddle time out with my girl.
Day 97 – Tuesday, April 7th – Roxy wasn’t feeling all that good. She had a neck owie that was really quite horrible, more on that in the next week of photo’s, since I took a picture after going to the vet.
Day 98 – Wednesday, April 8th – I hate lunch time. I never know what I want or what I can have really since it’s just me. I was so excited when I realized I had leftover chicken taco meat and already cut up vegetables. I present chicken taco salad of yum!