Quick Way to Get Hair Clean with Herbal Essences Naked Dry Shampoo #BeautyMonday
I don’t wash my hair every day, sometimes I don’t wash it every other day. I know, you can gasp now and look at me in disgust.
With my naturally curly hair, the only way I can tame it is to pull it back in a low ponytail after washing, let dry overnight and then straighten the next day. So I don’t want to have to through that every single day, it would just get tiring. Plus the days where I have to straighten my hair, it takes me much longer to get ready. Thankfully, for the most part, my hair stays fairly clean feeling and looking with no worries.
Sometimes though a few occasions where it just feels gross and I don’t have the time to wash right then to wait for it to dry and do the straightening process again, which is where this Herbal Essences Naked Dry Shampoo comes in to give me a quick way to get hair clean.
Saturday night my hair was just feeling oily and was making my scalp itch. I was thinking oh whatever I’ll wash it tomorrow. Then I recalled that I had gotten a klout perk a long time ago that included the Herbal Essences Naked Dry Shampoo and I thought to myself why not give that a go and see how it works.
Mind you, I had tried several different dry shampoos in the past and wasn’t a fan. They tended to make my hair feel more dirty than anything and just didn’t seem worth it. I always felt like I was just putting more gunk into my hair and scalp and no cleaning was happening. So, I wasn’t hopeful that this would be any different.
It stated on the back of the bottle to shake and then shake some more and then spray and work into your roots. So I stood there in the main bathroom shaking and applying and right away I could tell a difference. My hair already felt clean and fresh. Plus it had this amazing scent of citrus and mint.
I brushed out my hair after applying all over and working into my roots and then brushed it out. And what do you know? My hair felt, looked, and smell clean. My scalp no longer itched, my hair no longer looked or felt oily. I was amazed!
I know now if I want a quick way to get hair clean to turn to the Herbal Essences Naked Dry Shampoo! So excited and just had to share.
Have you tried dry shampoo before? If so, I’d love to hear what you thought of it and what brand you tried? If not, why haven’t you yet? What is holding you back?