Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 39 #CatchtheMoment365
This week was pretty calm, even with our party. You’ll see some birthday gifts I received in the mail since I love surprises and strung my gifts along.
Our last BBQ of the season, game night and my birthday went fairly well too. Got a bit more interest in our game nights which was a huge score. yay!
Not a lot went down to give you this week, but I hope you enjoy the week of photos at least some!
Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 39
Day 268 – Thursday, September 24th – My actual birthday and I opened one of my gifts that had waited for me on the spare bed. This lovely set was from my lovely April over at Saving for my Family. You should go visit her and give her some blogging love, she wants to get that old blog feel back! Straight from my Amazon wish list and super giddy over them.
Day 269 – Friday, September 25th – The next night I opened another package. This was two adult coloring books, score! They were from my friend Nori, from my old livejournal days! Super love. One of the coloring books was on my wish list (amazon associate link) and the other wasn’t (amazon associate link).
Day 270 – Saturday, September 26th – Party Day! Dylan brought out Ticket to Ride (amazon associate link) to play for the first time and we had a learning curve, but I think it’ll be super fun! Dylan’s expression here is truly priceless.
Day 271 – Sunday, September 27th – I wasn’t even going to buy this book, but I saw it at Costco shortly after it came out and caving and buying it. I am finally reading Grey by E.L James (amazon associate link) and really liking it. I didn’t think I’d care for it since I know how the story plays out but getting the inside on Grey’s thoughts is really great.
Day 272 – Monday, September 28th – I finally laid down on the floor and colored the book I am getting ready to do a blog post about while watching Netflix. This is the one I decided to color first.
Day 273 – Tuesday, September 29th – I realized late that I didn’t have a photo yet, so of course we have Roxy!
Day 274 – Wednesday, September 30th – Of course, once again, it was late after we got home from soccer and realized that again I hadn’t got a photo yet. So we have cuddled in Roxy to close out the week!
How was your week?