Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 52 #CatchtheMoment365
Closing out the Catch the Moment 365 for 2015! Yes, I will be doing it again next year, in fact, I’ll be a co-host. Check out Melissa’s post all about the new year of Catch the Moment. Won’t you join us? I hope with more interaction and comments we can power through 2016 with no drifting!
I am sharing the 31st photo too this week, so there will be an extra photo but I will not be numbering them as I figured out somewhere along the line (we are thinking August) I messed up on my numbering and it’s all off and I ended up with the 31st being the 366 day. SO, I’ll just share the photos and the days/dates.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years, though!! Ours was good. Nothing huge happened and we celebrated together Christmas morning by exchanging gifts, Roxy even helped open hers which she hadn’t ever done before, it was way too cute! New Year’s Eve was spent at Debbie’s house this year, with a tiny bit of games. I was so tired though and Jason’s truck at broken down that morning and our car is/was making funny noises. Oh, what fun!
Catch the Moment 365 for 2015 – Week 52
Thursday, December 24th – A little Christmas Eve game playing. We played a few rounds of Skip-Bo where Roxy kept trying to crawl into the middle of the game and throw cards everywhere. Seeing this photo makes me want to play again soon! We love Skip-Bo!
Friday, December 25th – Christmas morning! Here is Roxy helping open her gift from her Auntie Kris. Give me that Penguin she says!
Sunday, December 27th – Roxy just wanted to play some Dice Alias too! *Review coming this coming week* We even gave her a marker and everything and pretended she was finding words in the dice.
Monday, December 28th – I took a picture of the finished puzzle like this because I was super impressed with the staying power of these pieces and how well they stuck together. I plan to a review on Amazon soon for it and wanted to get some good pictures to show how well the finished puzzle stayed together.
Tuesday, December 29th – Another pile of puzzle pieces ready to be put together!
Wednesday, December 30th – And another one finished in the Disney Villians puzzle box!
Thursday, December 31st – New Year’s Eve at Debbie’s. Sam was more than happy to take a seat on Jason’s lap!
How was your week?