
Ten Little Facts About Me You May or May Not Know

I was tagged a long long time ago by my lovely friend Shauna over at Pickles and Peppers to do this fun ten little facts about me, but I just never got around to doing it.  In fact, I have been going to get this scheduled for two weeks now and am finally getting it written up to go live to you this Friday to bring back All About Me Fridays!

Here are the rules: I will answer 10 questions you didn’t know about me, and I will come up with a list of 10 questions for 10 bloggers to answer. Then those bloggers, if they accept the tag, will answer the 10 questions on their own post, come up with another list of 10 questions for 10 other bloggers (who they will tag). The list will go on and on! It is a great way to get to know some awesome bloggers a little better. Let’s have some fun!  I am not tagging anyone, but I’d love anyone to answers the questions I leave and let me know so I can read them!

Ten Little Facts About Me

  1. What inspires your blog topics?
    It varies really.  It can be just a sponsor post sparks my creativity thinking and spurs ideas out of just the prompt they give you to go off of.  Sometimes it just pops up in my own head out of nowhere, usually while in the showering it seems.  Or I’ll get a prompt from others bloggers that sets me running to type away.  I think any blogger knows that most of their ideas come from many forms.
  2. What is the one thing that you have learned while blogging that you wish you could share with everyone?
    I wish I had known from the very beginning to resize my images before loading them onto my blog.  It wasn’t until I moved to my own self-hosted blog that I realized you were supposed to be doing that so load time is quicker and not too much not taking up so much space on your blog database.  Bad. I so wish I had known that little fact on its own from the very beginning.  Also NAME your photos.  Not only do naming them make them easier to find later, but also help your SEO too.  All my past ones are not named and oh my goodness, what a mess.
  3. If you could have one meal, one awesomely perfect meal, what would it be and why?
    Gosh, I really have no idea.  I have meals I like of course, like Jason’s sweet n’ sour chicken, good old steak n’ gravy with mashed potatoes, and a nice beef stew.  But, really I can’t think of one awesomely perfect meal.  Is that a thing? Do you have any idea of what yours would be?  Maybe it would give me a better idea.
  4. If you are cooking and have a recipe do you follow it exactly or do you improvise and why?
    When I cook, which is rarely, I follow to a tee.  I have no idea what I am doing in the kitchen or what might be good with what.  So it’s a must to follow it completely without any varying.  Now Jason rarely uses a recipe and just goes with it.  
  5. What is your favorite activity and why?
    I don’t have one favorite activity.  I like a variety of things and never seem to have enough time or even energy to do them all.  I love reading, have always been a bookworm and probably always will.  There is something amazingly beautiful about reading a story and having to envision everything that is being told.  Your mind sets up the scene in your head and you anxiously await to see what scene will be painted next.  I also love coloring, traveling, photographing, and games.  These are just a few things that make me very happy.
  6. Which do you use more, a pen or a pencil, and why?
    pen?  When writing I tend to grab a pen, but anymore with coloring, I am grabbing pencils, which is just weird to me as I never liked pencils much before.
  7. Do you prefer swimming or laying in the sun or neither? Why?
    I am cheating and going with both!  It’s been far too long since I went swimming and I sit outside in my chair to soak up the sun and read quite often in the spring in the summer.  Both make me happy.
  8. Are you neatly organized or sloppy organized, meaning you know where everything is but no one else can find it?
    I’m very organized.  I like everything in its place.  Jason on the other hand, isn’t so, so our house tends to be a weird mix that annoys me.  Plus it doesn’t seem like we have places for things as well as we did in the apartment.  Which is weird since this house is so much bigger than the apartment.  I guess I need more nooks and desks.
  9. Are you a thinker or a doer? Why? 
    More a thinker.  I’m too self-conscious to be much of a doer on most things.
  10. Do you follow a lot of bloggers, Pickles & Peppers specifically? Why and what are some of your favorite posts by other bloggers? 
    I do.  I believe all bloggers should support each other and I do my best to support those bloggers I run across.  I love that I have grown such friendships with so many that I treasure.  Pickles and Peppers has been a friend of mine for quite some time, so of course I follow her blog.  Posts I am not sure, I usually like the more personal posts like these!

Your turn…

  1. Pretend that you landed a big payday all of a sudden.  What would you do with the new-found wealth?
  2. Congratulations, you just won a trip anywhere with three others!  Where would you go and with whom?
  3. It’s 3pm on an average weekday, where can we find you and what are you doing?
  4. What is your favorite way to unwind?
  5. What was your last vacation?  Where did you go, with whom?
  6. It’s Friday night!  What are you doing?
  7. Why do you enjoy blogging?  What makes you keep doing it?
  8. I just gave you $100 to Amazon – What would you buy and why?
  9. What is your favorite flower?
  10. What does your lunch hour usually look like? What are you doing and what are you eating?


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