Catch the Moment 366 Week 12 #CatchtheMoment366
I am so upset with myself, I totally missed a day this week and I have no idea why. I was sure I had a photo every day for this Catch the Moment 366 Week 12, but alas I put them together and one is indeed missing. I searched and searched thinking there had to be one somewhere. Nope. Nada.
So I am missing a photo, big old hole in my week. This week was odd feeling to me anyway. I felt like I was doing catch up the week from being gone in Seattle, even though I worked while we were gone. Then not to mention I have felt super tired again. So trying to battle that too. Am hoping with the sunny weather coming this coming week that I’ll get a burst of energy and maybe be able to work outside some too.
Find out all about Catch The Moment here. Here’s the short version.
- You do not have to have a blog to participate.
- Take a picture a day.
- You can start at any time.
- Use the hashtag #catchthemoment366 to play along on social media
- Weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday. Download a calendar with the week #s here.
- Come back and link up every Sunday – Thursday with your previous week’s photos.
- It’s called a project versus a challenge because it is what you make of it
- Join the Facebook Group here.
Catch the Moment 366 Week 12
Day 78 – Friday, March 18th – As we were driving away from Cedarbrook Lodge, the mountain looked beautiful. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to capture it very well. One my big girl camera was put away in the trunk and two because we were moving, so it was a quick couple snaps with my camera phone. This was the better of the two I happened to capture.
Day 79 – Saturday, March 19th – Extra cuddles with the puppy after my shower and everything put away when we got home Saturday. Roxy wouldn’t look at the camera or stay still. I tried several shots myself but my arms started to hurt and she wasn’t playing along. Finally, Jason took a couple of shots and we got one that was decent enough.
Day 80 – Sunday, March 20th – We ran to Fred Meyer for a few things and were wandering around and I saw this and it was on sale for 18 something so we had to get it. Come to find out it was put out with the wrong tags below it and we ended up getting it for that price even though it was supposed to be 26 something. It’ll be so perfect for our hopeful parties and gatherings. Excited!
Day 81 – Monday, March 21st – She had laid down, which is what I was wanting to capture, but instead she flew to sit up when she heard me get the camera and look back to me to glare. Similar picture coming up at the end of the week.
Day 82 – Tuesday, March 22nd – We actually received this last Tuesday, but I wanted a better picture than what I shared on social media to send off to Splashscore. I won this from Splashscore and we are beyond thrilled. You wanna join, just join here – you then post things on facebook, twitter and visiting links for the chance to win prizes. It’s really simple, just can seem kind of spammy at times. This is just one of the things I have won from them over the time I have been a member, but the biggest thing.
Day 83 – Wednesday, March 23rd – The day I missed. Haven’t a clue why, but sadly it’s the case.
Day 84 – Thursday, March 24th – The similar picture from Day 81, but I caught her laying down and she didn’t see or hear me grab the camera like the earlier day. Caught you.
How was your week?
Now that I’ve shared my week in photos, I wanna see yours. Link up below.