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25 Things That Make Me Happy

It has been some time since I did a random list of things that make me happy.  So I thought it would be fun for this All About Me Friday to do a list of 25 Things That Make Me Happy, just because!

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 256 - Lorelei and Angie on Debbies Wedding Day

25 Things That Make Me Happy

  1. Reading – I love to read.  Which I am sure you have gathered if you have read any past blog posts.  And I have such a wide variety of books I enjoy that I will never not have something to read.  Anymore I read one real book and one kindle book.  So I always have two going at one time.Catch the Moment 365 - Day 58 - Books to be Read
  2. The ocean – it’s one of my happy places.  The smell, the way the air feels there – it’s just amazingly great!Day-25252089-252520-252520Pretty-252520Ocean-252520in-252520Lincoln-252520City_thumb-25255B6-25255D
  3. Dogs!  But Roxy especially.Catch the Moment 365 - Day 266 - Roxy and Orange Ball
  4. Games – video, board, card, lawn – you name it!Catch the Moment 365 - Day 57 - Games
  5. JasonCatch the Moment 365 - Day 283 - Jason at Buffalo Wild Wings
  6. Coffee – especially that morning coffee on the porch or overlooking the ocean or really any kind of water.Catch the Moment 366 Week 15 - Day 101 - Coffee at LatteDas
  7. Comments/Notes – could be a blog comment (which really makes me happy, a random text message, a random note on my facebook wall or just a comment on a facebook post.  It brings a smile to my face and makes me happy.
  8. Camping
  9. HikingOur-252520Hike-252520-252526-252520Walk-252520on-252520Beacon-252520Rock-25252C-252520WA-252520-25252819-252529_thumb-25255B13-25255D1
  10. Shopping
  11. Sissy VisitsKris and I at the Beach
  12. Slot Machines
  13. Bingo
  14. Photographs – taking and seeing!
  15. FriendsHave You Heard Of The Game Spontuneous - the whole gang
  16. Happy Hours
  17. Cheese
  18. Lists, such as this one
  19. Making Money on the Blog – not going to lie!
  20. When people take the chance to actually get to know me
  21. Surprises
  22. ColoringCatch the Moment 365 - Day 313 - Coloring Time Out
  23. Tv Shows & Movies
  24. Lately – Owls
  25. You – yes each and every single of you that read my blog and help support it and me.  Thank you!

What makes you happy?  I’d love to hear some of the things (big and little) that make you happy!

Sharing is caring!