Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 #CatchtheMoment366

Dang nabbit!  I missed a day this week again.  I so kicked myself when I woke up and realized I had forgotten to take a single photo the day earlier.  This week’s Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 is a bit boring, but it is here and mostly done.  We won’t dwell on missing that one day.

Find out all about Catch The Moment here. Here’s the short version.

  • You do not have to have a blog to participate.
  • Take a picture a day.
  • You can start at any time.
  • Use the hashtag #catchthemoment366 to play along on social media
  • Weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday. Download a calendar with the week #s here.
  • Come back and link up every Sunday – Thursday with your previous week’s photos.
  • It’s called a project versus a challenge because it is what you make of it
  • Join the Facebook Group here.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 16

Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 - Day 106 - Current Book

Day 106 – Friday, April 15th – I have been obsessed with Kristin Hannah.  I love her writing and her books completely draw me in to devour them.  I got two from the library and read them back-to-back and quickly.  Soon I’ll put a hold on a couple more to devour.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 - Day 107 - Lauren Shared A Chew Bone with Roxy

Day 107 – Saturday, April 16th – Lauren, our next door neighbor, treated Roxy to a chew bone. Roxy first buried it in our yard and a bit later I went out to get it and after I rinsed it off, she started to chew away at it.  She didn’t leave this spot with it for an hour and still had over half left.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 - Day 108 - Flower Power

Day 108 – Sunday, April 17th – I got upstairs to get ready for bed and realized that I hadn’t yet taken a photo, so I yelled down to Jason to please take a picture of my book for me.  He did, but also took two of the flowers we had left on our dining room table.  I loved this one, so instead of my book, this became the photo for the day.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 - Day 109 - Organized Tea Drawer

Day 109 – Monday, April 18th – I decided it was time to completely deep clean the house.  I started in the kitchen this day – got over half of it done.  This is my reorganized tea drawer.  I love how completely different it looks, I really should have had a before shot.

Day 110 – Tuesday, April 19th – Tis the day I missed.  Not sure what happened but no photo to show for it.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 - Day 111 - Keurig

Day 111 – Wednesday, April 20th – We finally got a Keurig!  Fred Meyer had it on sale, it was double point week there and I got a 20%  off coupon in my email. We couldn’t pass it up and I am so excited to finally have one and be like everyone else.  

Catch the Moment 366 Week 16 - Day 112 - New Sheets To Review

Day 112 – Thursday, April 21st – I got new sheets to review from Tomoson and need to also do a blog post for them, so those will be coming this week.  I can tell you, though, these are so amazingly soft and perfect!

How was your week?

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