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Currently – April

The fourth month of the year, April has already found us.  Which means a new monthly Currently link up with Anne & Jenna.  With Currently, if you are new around here, you are giving 5 prompts to follow with what is currently happening your life.  It’s a fun link-up and I look forward to it each month.  Won’t you join us?  Without further ado, Currently – April coming up!


I haven’t a clue.  I have sat looking at making forever and I can’t tell you a single thing I am making.  It could have been a list, ranking brain, hum no lists being put up on paper or even in my head.  I am not crafty, so I am not making anything there.  I don’t bake, so I am not making some bread.  I don’t think I am making anything.  Making my way in the world?


Everything!  Well not really, but our wish list is much longer than the average wish list I think.  A car, a truck, new appliances, reclining sectional couch, new tv for the living room (so this one can be moved into the spare room down here or the downstairs), xbox one…and on and on.  We never lack wishlisting around here.


Nothing right now.  But I really want to deep clean the basement.  I gasp each time I have to go down there and cringe at all the things that have found their way down there.  It’s a hot mess and really needs a good deep cleaning so we can actually store regular things there to get at easily.  You can barely get at anything down there.  Sadly, the main spare room down there has gotten stuff moved into it as well. A mess, a hot mess I tell you!


Not nearly enough personal stuff lately.  I hate that it’s mostly been sponsored and Catch the Moment postings, that is it.  I have ideas, but lack of motivation to do it.  Also, hard to get things done when you were sick this whole last weekend.  It’s on my list though to get some regular posting in soon.  This helped!


This weird granola bar I just finished eating, I think it had slightly gone stale and has this weird after taste in my mouth now.  Blah.  I am looking forward to tasting dinner, though, which is pork chops, a quinoa thing and green beans! yum!

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