Catch the Moment 366 Week 18 #CatchtheMoment366
Here it is Friday afternoon and I am proud to say that I am getting this week’s post for Catch the Moment 366 Week 18 together already to be posted Saturday night. I’m thrilled with myself. We won’t mention that I have other posts I really need to be working on, but I keep pushing them off. I need to get my act together soon on them.
Not a lot to mention for this last week, I almost forgot to get a photo a few times and most this week are from my camera phone which is rare for me. But I got them all!
I had a dentist appointment Wednesday to fill my fillings, thank goodness now that is all over and done with for another 6 months, though. I do need to go in and get my blood tested for my thyroid sometime this month. Bah! Aside from the dentist, was a normal week around here.
Find out all about Catch The Moment here. Here’s the short version.
- You do not have to have a blog to participate.
- Take a picture a day.
- You can start at any time.
- Use the hashtag #catchthemoment366 to play along on social media
- Weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday. Download a calendar with the week #s here.
- Come back and link up every Sunday – Thursday with your previous week’s photos.
- It’s called a project versus a challenge because it is what you make of it
- Join the Facebook Group here.
Catch the Moment 366 Week 18
Day 120 – Friday, April 29th – I think this was taken before we took off for soccer. It was a simply amazing sunset that I had to capture, especially since it’s been awhile since I had captured any sunsets. It’s just the start of the big sunset time!
Day 121 – Saturday, April 30th – We walked to Walgreens and Diary Queen Saturday evening. It was a wee bit chilly to actually sit outside and eat, but I was afraid the chicken strips would be cold if we walked home with them. So we sat down and ate there and Roxy happily shared in the eating fun.
Day 122 – Sunday, May 1st – Our main objective this day was to go to the outlet mall Levi store so I could get the pants I so desperately needed. I can usually find pants for me in the clearance section, this time, I did not, but still ended up with 3 pairs. This stop was not planned at all, but I noticed the sign for McMenamins Edgefield on our way to the outlet store. Since we only went to the Levi store while there, we decided to stop and explore a bit before heading back over the bridge. Jason had been here once before for a work event but I never had been. It was fun to walk around the complex, it’s so neat. The service, however, this day was super crappy. We walked the hotel and that was fun. They have so many amazing porches, I really wanted to get a drink and just sit a spell on one of them.
Day 123 – Monday, May 2nd – the 2nd of May and we already had to put the air conditioner up in our room. Mind you our bedroom is basically the attic of our house and absorbs all the heat. Makes for uncomfortable nights if we don’t have it up.
Day 124 – Tuesday, May 3rd – I was taking a series of photos of Roxy playing on the floor with Daddy and this one I completely fell in love with. To me, it looks like she is in the throws of laughing. Like when you are getting tickled and you are like ohhh oh stop, hahaha. One of my all time favorite pictures of her, though I could have done without the spot of Caesar on the side of her mouth.
Day 125 – Wednesday, May 4th – Realizing seconds before I went upstairs to get ready for bed that I hadn’t captured a photo yet, so, of course, Roxy was my subject. She was ready for big bed.
Day 126 – Thursday, May 5th – I found another use for the ottoman I shared with you guys last week. It works perfect as well for a table to color on. I was finally using the 36 colored pencil canvas wrap set I had gotten to review off of Tomoson. I love the Secret Garden coloring book, but man some of the small details really bug me, they are so hard to color. (amazon associate links used)
How was your week?
Now it’s your turn to link up those photos from the last week. I can’t wait to see them!