Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 #CatchtheMoment366

I have struggled this week on working.  I am not sure what it was/is, but all I wanted to do it not a darn thing.  I struggled to get a few posts going and even though I thought to myself I am going to get it done today, that just never happened. Thankfully the things I want/need to do for the blog are not super pressing but still I should have them up and going.  I have no real excuse except the I just don’t wanna thing.  Which doesn’t work to well when you are at a work at home all you do is online stuff to earn for the household.  

So this Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 is just average.  Since all I really wanted to do was read and sit on my bum.  I needed to get the house clean or at least clean for guests.  I had blog posts to do.  You know the drill, but I did, for the most part, keep my email cleaned out which meant I was doing a ton of surveys.  Still, though, I need to put more time and effort into this lovely thing otherwise I’ll be stuck forever.

I am hoping this next week will recharge me.

Find out all about Catch The Moment here. Here’s the short version.

  • You do not have to have a blog to participate.
  • Take a picture a day.
  • You can start at any time.
  • Use the hashtag #catchthemoment366 to play along on social media
  • Weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday. Download a calendar with the week #s here.
  • Come back and link up every Sunday – Thursday with your previous week’s photos.
  • It’s called a project versus a challenge because it is what you make of it
  • Join the Facebook Group here.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 - Day 134 - Bzz Agent Crest Kit

Day 134 – Friday, May 13th – I got this lovely set of products from Bzz Agent to review and tell others about.  I am letting Jason use the toothbrush since I already have a rechargeable toothbrush.  I thought this would give him a chance to see if he likes these types of toothbrushes.  The Crest toothpaste we actually got for something else before getting this Bzz Agent Campaign and both of us aren’t huge fans of it.  But oh well, it works.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 - Day 135 - Influenster Sprout VoxBox

Day 135 – Saturday, May 14th – I actually got a full Influenster VoxBox – this one called Sprout VoxBox.  I haven’t opened anything in it yet, but it seems like a good variety and those chips sound amazing!

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 - Day 136 - Basement Cleaning Goes On

Day 136 – Sunday, May 15th – The other side of the main shelf down in the basement got cleaned and organized.  As did the other bookshelves off to the side of this.  Don’t mind the ice chests in front of it, the nooks are still full, so to get to the other shelves they had to be moved in front of this main shelf for a bit.  

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 - Day 137 - Meatless Monday Dinner

Day 137 – Monday, May 16th – Our Meatless Monday meal was AMAZING!  Stuffed zucchini with this tomato artichoke thing.  Was so tasty. 

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 - Day 138 - Vidal Sasson color

Day 138 – Tuesday, May 17th – Washing away my gray.  Another Bzz Agent campaign I have going, which is odd to have two going since it has been really quiet for me the last year.  I’ll take what I can get though!  I have used this product before getting to review on Bzz Agent, it’s one of my personal favorites for the complete coverage.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 - Day 139 - Current Book Local Read

Day 139 – Wednesday, May 18th – My current read this week as this local book about Prohibition in Portland and other crimes that Jason got me while we were at Costco.  It’s good, but a bit dry then I am used to for other local history type of books.  There was one chapter though I very much-loved.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 20 - Day 140 - Results of Vidal Sasson

Day 140 – Thursday, May 19th – Ta-Da my results with the Vidal Sassoon Salonsit.  Love it.  Though it’s darker than I am used to, I love the purple/red that shines through when light or sun hit it.  The coverage is great, though with this photo it looks like a gray popping out, but I don’t see it in real life.  So who knows if it is just a shadow or something.

How was your week?

Now it’s your turn to link up your last week of photos for Catch the Moment 366 Week 20!  I can’t wait to see them.

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