Currently – June
The sixth month of the year, June has already found us. Which means a new monthly Currently link up with Anne & Jenna. With Currently, if you are new around here, you are giving 5 prompts to follow with what is currently happening your life. It’s a fun link-up and I look forward to it each month. Won’t you join us? Without further ado, Currently – June coming up!
Currently – June
Our BBQ this weekend. I got picked from Tryazon to host a Molkky game party and shortly there after I was also picked for a collection of Rooster Fin games. So I am combining the two in hopes to get them all planned and pictures taken, the entire thing. We’ll just be doing hamburgers and hot dogs and in hopes whoever may come to bring a side to share. I’ll be doing my regular fruit and vegetable tray though, as it’s my thing so I know I always have that fresh yummy!
This cool slightly rainy day before our way too hot for the first of June days fly their way in this weekend. High 90’s almost 100 – WHAT? It’s only June. This is not my happy space. And the day of our BBQ, I moved the time to 5 in hopes some of the high heat of the day will have leveled off. Since we’ll be outside and no air conditioner inside, so yes I am enjoying this cool day today.
Nothing at this time. Though I do have my mind on what we should be getting tonight when we head out to get what we need for the BBQ Saturday. Otherwise no buying happening over here right now.
Can you believe I am not really craving anything at this moment?
Gosh this is going to sound boring, but again nothing. I haven’t pinned anything in a long time. I pin my giveaways from the blog but otherwise I haven’t been paying that much attention to Pinterest as of lately.