Catch the Moment 366 Week 49 #CatchtheMoment366
This last week, Catch the Moment 366 Week 49, was a bit better. There were still some bumps along the way but for the most part, it was better. I didn’t break down nearly as much.
As for the photos themselves, though, they are a bit boring, but tis’ my life for the most part. Boring or not I still plunge on and share my weeks. I am hoping that next year I’ll be a bit better about getting the variety in there with the boring. Yes, I am doing this again next year. Truthfully, I don’t see myself stopping. It gives me something every week that I know I am posting without too much fuss and muss. Even if the group doesn’t hold together, I still plunge along doing it alone.
Catch the Moment 366 Week 49
Day 338 – Friday, December 2nd – Jason got off from work a bit early so we could take the hour to hour and half drive to be there for the friends and family opening of Rebel & Rye Public House. Jason’s old boss ended up opening up this place near their new house, which is near Mt. Hood. So if you are ever driving up to Mt. Hood, take a bit of extra time and stop by this place in Welches. The food is amazing! And I am just not saying that.
Day 339 – Saturday, December 3rd – Tried this photo first to post to Instagram but didn’t care for it. Decided it was good for this Catch the Moment 366 Week 49. A different angle that wasn’t quite what I was looking for to post for the book. Yes, I am still reading it. I am finally almost done though now.
Day 340 – Sunday, December 4th – Sorry for the weird juice bottle picture. I was taking a survey in store and realized that the juice bottles were the only photos I took that day.
Day 341 – Monday, December 5th – Sunday while out shopping at Fred Meyer we bought a Christmas puzzle. I told myself I was going to buy one, but this one called out to me. Am having a ball doing this one too.
Day 342 – Tuesday, December 6th – Jason is back in the goalie box after his eye injury. Which doesn’t make either of us really happy. We like that he gets more exercise while out on the field. But him being back in the box means two games on Tuesdays. I brought the laptop to try to get some much-needed work done.
Day 343 – Wednesday, December 7th – Jason’s new work company is amazing. They rented out our old movie theater, Kiggins, for our viewing pleasure of Elf. It was great!
Day 344 – Thursday, December 8th – We had these big storm warnings and schools closing. I really thought that nothing would come of it like normal. But nope we got real snow. It’s nothing like I am used to, but it was snow. Sadly, after this, we got freezing rain which made the roads bad.
How was your week?