2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5 #CatchtheMoment365

Posting this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5 a wee bit late.  Life just got away from me and sitting down to edit the photos and get it posted here just kept getting pushed off.  Also, missing two photos for this last week left me feeling disappointed in myself already.

As for the Dogwood Challenge, I also did get any of those challenges done for the week.  But, I am getting them done this week to get caught back up.  Once again, I am sticking with the challenge!

Part of the reason I am late getting this up is that Roxy was supposed to have her dental on Sunday.  But, it got put off because her ALT levels were off again, as were her bile acids test.  This isn’t new for her and usually, if we switch her to lower protein food, she flips right back to normal. We are working on that and last night I also bought some milk thistle on Amazon for her to try.  I’ve only read good things about it.  With both that and the food hopefully, it’ll flip back around once we retest in three months.

Of course, since something was going on I was endlessly searching and trying to find answers and ignoring everything else.  I’m calmed down now and ready to take on the week.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5 - Day 29 - BattleShip Date Night

Day 29 – Sunday, January 29th – Jason and I brought out one of our new games from Christmas and did a game night date night.  It was fun!  I lost.  But, I thought that would be the case with this game.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5 - Day 30 - Slow Cooker Lasagna Low Carb

Day 30 – Monday, January 30th – Made this in the slow cooker.  It was supposed to be a cheesy zucchini lasagna. Which it was but more like soup.  It was delicious though and we will be making it again and trying to tweak it so it actually is more like lasagna and not soupy.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5 - Day 31 - Cannoli Hiding

Day 31 – Tuesday, January 31st – Sweet Cannoli hiding.  I let Roxy out and she was in Roxy’s bush.  Roxy dashed after her and then realized it was Cannoli so stopped.  Went back in to get my camera but Roxy dashed after Cannoli when I got back out and she went under her to hide.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5 - Day 32 - Daddy and Roxy Girl

Day 32 – Wednesday, February 1st – Some Daddy and Daddy’s girl cuddling while Daddy tried to work on the puzzle.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 5 - Day 34 - Vampire Vic 3

Day 34 – Friday, February 3rd – Thought to get a quick shot of my current book.  Which is one I am doing for review, which will most likely just do social shares on.  I read the first two of these so was willing to read the third to see how it all ended up. Coming out Valentines Day – keep your eyes peeled for more about this later.

How was your week?

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