2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 #CatchtheMoment365

A new week with this 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10, but the theme of the photos are basically the same as last week.  Still battling this cold and the last few days my ears have been plugged.  Nothing I tried will get them unclogged and it’s driving me batty.  

Trying though to get some work done on the blog & around the house.  I’m slowly getting there so that is a good sign!

Photos this last week are pretty boring.  But, the good news, I didn’t miss a single day at least.  

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 64 - Tigger Puzzle done

Day 64 – Sunday, March 5th – Remember a few weeks back I started this puzzle?  Said I was pretty sure I was going to cry while trying to do it? Well, I barely did anything on it.  It was just too hard for me.  Even the jigsaw puzzle King Jason said it was hard and took him quite awhile to finish it.  I did the border and a tiny bit of the inner puzzle but otherwise, it was all him.  Way to hard for me.  So cute, though, right?

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 65 - Yoga Roxy

Day 65 – Monday, March 6th – When you look and your dog flops down like this.  Back half on the couch and front part on the ottoman.  Giggling happened and then I hoped she wouldn’t move before I grabbed the camera.  Which she usually does.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 66 - Hot Tea at Soccer

Day 66 – Tuesday, March 7th – Having been sick.  I took hot tea with me to soccer and noticed these cute one-word statements on the tea bags.  

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 67 - Current Book Nora Roberts

Day 67 – Wednesday, March 8th – Last book of the Guardians Trilogy by Nora Roberts.  It’s been such a great trilogy. Nora Roberts trilogies all basically run along the same lines but doesn’t make them any less good.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 68 - Grumpy Roxy

Day 68 – Thursday, March 9th – Trying to catch Princess Roxy laying on the pillow you had on the floor.  Instead, you capture her glaring at you for taking her photo.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 69 - LuLaRoe Nicole Dress

Day 69 – Friday, March 10th – Finally feeling a bit better that I could try on the LuLa Roe Nicole dresses you bought. Loved both of them of them, but I think this one is my favorite.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 70 - Cuddled Roxy

Day 70 – Saturday, March 11th – Cuddles with the Roxy girl while we watched some TV. Plus realizing it’s late at night and you haven’t gotten a photo yet today.

How was your week?

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