2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15 #CatchtheMoment365

Please forgive me for getting this up a little later this week. Life was a bit weird with Jason doing more closing this last week for his work and left us a bit off our routine. Plus of course Easter.  This week, Catch the Moment 365 Week 15, was fairly normal picture wise.  We ate out too much & I somehow missed a photo as well.

Oh well, I did get six photos and am still excited to share those six with you all.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15 - Day 99 - Clean Half of Kitchen

Day 99 – Sunday, April 9th – I spend a good part of Sunday deep cleaning the kitchen.  I ended up only finishing one-half of the kitchen though.  But boy does it feel amazing right now.  Am still working to be able to deep clean the other half.  There was much gathered up for our hopefully upcoming yard sale this summer & a few things thrown away.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15 - Day 100 - The Cocktail

Day 100 – Monday, April 10th – Eating out at Jorges Margarita Factory.  I had what they called a Cock-Tail.  Which was part lemon drop with a twist.  Or something like that.  It was okay but I don’t know if will be a new favorite.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15 - Day 101 - Inside of Kia Niro

Day 101 – Tuesday, April 11th – The sweet Kia Niro arrived for our pure enjoyment for the next two weeks. See that steering wheel?  It also heats up those cold hands. YES!

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15 - Day 102 - Waiting on Daddy late at night

Day 102 – Wednesday, April 12th – A late night shot of our baby girl.  As we were waiting for Daddy to come back from closing up one of the properties.  I love the way this photo turned out.

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15 - Day 104 - Fish and Chips

Day 104 – Friday, April 14th – A late night dinner option at a place near our home.  Had the Friday special of Fish and Chips, was tasty!

2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 15 - Day 105 - Laying in the Sun Beams

Day 105 – Saturday, April 15th – We had some morning sun beams to enjoy!

How was your week?

Sharing is caring!