How to Flip your Bad Day into a Good Day
Everyone has bad days. Sometimes we can pinpoint what turned it into a bad day. Other times, you can’t pinpoint why it feels like a horrible day, it just is.
Yesterday for me was a bad day. Nothing bad happened in the day to make it that way. It just overall felt like a crappy day. Lack of sleep may have been in hand but I can’t say for sure. Luckily, so far, today is fine.
When those bad days hit though, making into a good day is what we’d like to do. How do you go about turning a bad day into a good day?
Luckily, I am going to be giving you a list of things that help me turn a bad day into a good day. Hopefully, one or a few of these may help you on those bad days.
How to Flip you Bad Day into a Good Day
- Take a walk outside. You’d be amazed at the difference that air will do for you, even though you’d just rather hibernate inside.
- Workout. Taking that walk outside will help. Though sometimes just dancing around the living room, hitting the gym, peddling away on the bike, or hitting that treadmill will improve your mood. Getting started is the hard part.
- On the flip side, binge watch some shows. Guilt free. Watch a few TV shows you’ve wanted to watch. Or even that movie you have put off. Just enjoy yourself and don’t let that guilt eat you. You are not going to be good with anyone when you are having a bad day.
- Color. It’s relaxing and helps ease away that bad feeling.
- Read. Sit outside in the sun or in a nice hot bubble bath while you do it.
- Call/Text/Message a friend.
- Hug someone. Really hug someone, give it a few moments to actually sink in.
- Do a random act of kindness. Pay for the coffee for someone behind you. Just be kind and your heart will warm.
- Go out for Happy Hour. Meeting a couple of friends or loved ones for happy hour. Especially if you can sit outside while doing it.
- Play a game. Sit down with someone and play an actual board or card game.
- Buy yourself flowers.
- Have a comfort food that you crave and love.
Those are some of my ideas on how to turn that bad day into a good day.
Now, I’d love to hear some of yours. In the comments below, let me in on your secret to turning your bad day into a good day. I’d love to hear it all and maybe what was your favorite from my list.