2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50 #CatchtheMoment365
First, I am well aware it’s Friday and I am just now posting this last week for 2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50. Christmas is the best answer here. Plus I have been feeling under the weather which has left me kind of weak feeling. But I am here now with this last weeks photos.
Games and cuteness of Roxy are the idea behind these last week of photos. Once again just a simple average week over here. With one small adventure.
2017 Catch the Moment 365 Week 50
Day 334 – Sunday, December 10th – This was Roxys favorite spot Sunday. I was resting on the futon and she doesn’t like it when Jason and I are not in the same room. So she kept laying here to keep an eye on us both.
Day 335 – Monday, December 11th – A little Happy Salmon fun before we left for Bingo. You can win your very own game of this just by visiting, here. It’s so much fun. I wasn’t thinking it would be. Nice surprise.
Day 336 – Tuesday, December 12th – Took this photo for the post and completely forgot I did until I went to gather photos for the week. The Happy Salmon package & cards. Cute salmon, right?
Day 337 – Wednesday, December 13th – Giggled at the way Hippo was sitting, so had to snap a photo.
Day 338 – Thursday, December 14th – Roxy and I went to do the last of our Christmas shopping in the Kia Forte (post upcoming). I stopped for a coffee and Roxy really wanted to drink it. Don’t let that innocent face fool you.
Day 339 – Friday, December 15th – Took this for Instastory. Thankfully I hadn’t written anything on it, so it was easy enough to save for today’s photo. Realized I hadn’t taken a photo otherwise this day.
Day 340 – Saturday, December 16th – Lake Union in Seattle. One of the two main reasons we needed a car for the two weeks. Jason’s Uncle & Aunt have a beautiful view of Lake Union and we were doing a Christmas party.
How was your week?