How to Make Your Own Little Christmas Tree

Do you ever think that something you made in Elementry School or something your kids are making right now there, would be something you’d use and keep years after? Or remake several times over because it’s such a tradition in your house?

Little did I know that something I made at school would be something I’d be using time and time again. Now it’s been remade a few times, thank goodness for having the directions. But it’s still the same basic idea and such a simple little item.

In fact, I have to thank one of my old best friends for spurring this idea.  Though she had no idea at the time.  She posted a photo of her own little Christmas tree last month and someone asked if she could tell her how to make it. She said she didn’t have the directions anymore and I pipped in saying I still had them somewhere. The blog post sprung from that. That lady probably thought I forgot. But, I haven’t at all.  It just took time to get the wee bit of items & the time to make it up. So thank you Sylvia for posting your tree & thank you to the kind friend of hers, for asking for directions for it!

DIY Little Christmas Trees

Little Christmas Tree

Supplies Needed

Little Christmas Tree (2 of 7)

  • 6 identical size metal hangars
  • tape (electrical or paper – we always use electrical)
  • set of miniature lights (it calls for 35 bulbs but we used 60)
  • garland (in any design/color you would like)
  1. Tape 2 hangars together with tape. (see photos below) Do the same with the other hangars.
    Little Christmas Tree (3 of 7) Little Christmas Tree (4 of 7)
  2. Place the 3 sets of hangars within each other to form a shape of the tree. (Passing through each other at the center.)
    Little Christmas Tree (5 of 7)
  3. Tape top of the tree together.
  4. Tape center of hangars together. Adjust as necessary to have hangars set level on the table.
  5. Attach 1st light bulb wire to one leg with tape. You should have plenty of length available to have plug free of the tree. Starting at bottom of tree legs, tape lights around the tree to each leg working toward the top of the tree. Finish at the top of the tree.
    You can also run the lights up one leg and down the others.
    Little Christmas Tree (6 of 7)
  6. Place garland around the tree. Tape as necessary.

Tada – you should now have a cute little Christmas tree now for your display in your home for years to come. Decorate as you see fit or leave as is.

Our old one from a few years back.

Little Christmas Tree (1 of 7)

The one we made this year.  Jason calls it the Seahawks tree.

Little Christmas Tree (7 of 7)

I hope you enjoy this little Christmas tree and you can find years of enjoyment out of it too!

Sharing is caring!