2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 #CatchtheMoment365

Below you may find some Amazon affiliate links and if you order through them I may receive a kickback at no extra charge to you.

Honestly, guys, I am not a huge fan of the photos I have to share with you all this week.  For this 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10, all the photos are just blah to me.  You were warned!  Also, every single one was taken with my camera phone.  Taking photos with my camera phone is fine but I prefer to grab my Nikon for the majority of the photos.

Sadly though, that wasn’t the fact this last week. Being okay with that is the big thing. Knowing there will be weeks or days like the one below.  Next week will be better again. The high point of this week though was that I did happen to capture at least one photo for each day!

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 64 - Cuddling with Monkey

Day 64 – Monday, March 5th – Found our girl cuddling tight with monkey. Monkey is by far one of her favorite babies and you’ll find her with it often. You can find it on Amazon for your fur baby and you should! Hers has some broken squeaks now but she still loves her.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 65 - Kisses from Roxy

Day 65 – Tuesday, March 6th – A late night photo shoot with the furry baby. Realizing I hadn’t taken a single photo that whole day. She kind of helped the photo session along.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 66 - Holding the Mail

Day 66 – Wednesday, March 7th – Just Roxy holding some mail for safe keeping.  No idea why she randomly did this but it made me giggle so had to grab a photo of it.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 67 - Warehouse 23 Happy Hour

Day 67 – Thursday, March 8th – Happy hour at Warehouse 23. Jason as there for a work celebration and I had plans to meet him at the end of it and we’d have dinner. Also, I was going to take photos and stuff for a Local Tuesday spotlight. But it was a frustrating feat to get here and ended up just eating with the work crew. The spotlight will have to happen another time.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 68 - BodyArmor and Soccer

Day 68 – Friday, March 9th – I was playing with the BodyArmor bottle to see if I liked this photo for an upcoming sponsored post.  Still not sure if I like the way it turned out.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 69 - Relaxing Bath Time

Day 69 – Saturday, March 10th – Spent the first nice warm day of the season to start deep cleaning the house. Sadly, I didn’t get all I wanted to do done because I got an awful head pain and had to stop. So took a little time out with a lemon drop, my current book, and a nice hot bubble bath. I felt much better after.

2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 10 - Day 70 - Owl Puzzle

Day 70 – Sunday, March 11th – This is the current jigsaw puzzle I am working on it.  I had to get it because it was such a pretty bright owl. I am finding it pretty hard but am finding my groove on it finally. FYI – grab it now from that Amazon link – it’s on a GREAT deal (March 13, 2018).

How was your week?

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