2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 12 #CatchtheMoment365
Looking back at the photos from this 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 12, I’d say it was a pretty mellow week. Not a lot happened, just your average daily things.
Wednesday found us having dinner with our indoor soccer crew. While it was a nice gathering, it was also sad because it was in honor of a guy moving to Seattle. But hopefully it won’t be for long and he can come down often. Time will tell.
2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 12
Day 78 – Monday, March 19th – I feel like I have been working on this jigsaw puzzle forever. But I find an area that has some colors that would make sense to put together and then stop. Then I have to find another area. It’s hard but enjoyable!
Day 79 – Tuesday, March 20th – Just a little sleepy Roxy girl!
Day 80 – Wednesday, March 21st – Our gathering after the indoor soccer game. We decided to go to Billy Blue’s Bar & Grill this go around. But they ended up having a live band, which made chit-chat kind of difficult. A sad goodbye to Justin and Amanda (far end of the table).
Day 81 – Thursday, March 22nd – This photo didn’t quite come out how it looked in real life. It was an eerie dark in that corner of the world but it came across either darker or lighter in the photos. This is the one I thought made it look the most like it was looking in real life.
Day 82 – Friday, March 23rd – It was National Puppy Day. And Roxy will forever and always be my little puppy dog even if she’s a big 11 year old.
Day 83 – Saturday, March 24th – This fiery red Kia Soul Turbo decided it wanted to come play with us for the next few months. It was delivered late Friday night.
Day 84 – Sunday, March 25th – Was trying to get some fun photos for my sponsored post with Poise. I think we ended up capturing some cute ones. Even though Roxy wasn’t doing what I wanted her too. My original thought was for her to give me kisses because that would make me laugh. She wanted none of that plan though!
How was your week?