2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 14 #CatchtheMoment365
Another Thursday posting for this 2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 14. I knew this one was going to be late and likely today because we were just going to be getting back from vacation. And I wasn’t going to be getting my post ready while on vacation. So here we are on Thursday getting the previous week out to you all.
Today so wasn’t as productive as I was going to have it be and I just have to be okay with that. I plan to do a bit of it after I get this post up. There is that at least.
This last week of photos is a big mish-mash of various photos with no real rhyme or reason. And I also, once again, missed a day.
But here we go…
2018 Catch the Moment 365 Week 14
Day 92 – Monday, April 2nd – Just an Auntie Debbie and Roxy girl watching out the window together. After spending a full day shopping and eating with Debbie, we finished off our evening playing Bingo at The Thirsty Sasquatch. We had the best seat in the house. We also won tickets to the Storm City Roller Girls, which you’ll see at the end of the week here.
Day 94 – Wednesday, April 4th – Just a tired sleepy little girl.
Day 95 – Thursday, April 5th – Yes, still working on this darn puzzle. I am having such a hard time with this puzzle. It’s taking me forever and this area is so hard for me. But I am getting there. I have filled in a bit more since this photo was taken but not much.
Day 96 – Friday, April 6th – Just waiting for Jason while he went in to get some meat at the butcher shop. It was too warm to leave little one in the car.
Day 97 – Saturday, April 7th – Roller Derby time. First time going and it’s just weird. Kind of interesting but I don’t get it fully.
Day 98 – Sunday, April 8th – Vacation Time!! Playing some rummy for our evening entertainment. I always forget how much I love rummy the card game. It’s probably one of my favorites.
How was your week?
Look next week for some fun photos from our vacation!