When You Have a Doggy Heart Murmur
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Hi guys, it’s been awhile since I talked about my heart murmur. I thought it was time to let you in on how I am doing since the finding. Mommy says I should start out talking to you and she’ll wrap it up to stuff we are doing to hopefully help me.
You guys, first, I just turned 12 back in February. 12 can you believe it? I sure can’t, I remember when I was just a young pup and my Uncle Donavan picked me out to gift to his Mom. I could hardly contain my excitement and was a happy puppy spending life with Momma Diane and getting to play with my cousins Max and Suzie often as possible.

Then at 5 years old, Momma Diane decided it wasn’t safe to have me and her Momma around each other. She feared one of us was going to get hurt and badly. Because of that, she found me a new forever home with my new Mommy and Daddy. Hold the paw, I just realized I have been with my new Mommy and Daddy for almost 7 years now. Holy smokes, it has been a ride.
When You Have a Doggy Heart Murmur
Life has been a happy adventure for me. I am always waiting for that next road trip and can’t wait to see where we are going and what we’ll see. It came as a shock to all of us back in August of 2018 when the vet said that I had a heart murmur and it was a 4 out of 6! Mommy and Daddy are always taking me into the pesky vet and we couldn’t believe that all of the sudden they dected a pretty high heart murmur.
Me, though? I was feeling fine and dandy, no reason to hold me down. No, sirree! So I wrote my Mommy her letter back in October because there was no reason to worry. And we know my Mommy, she worries about EVERYTHING.
And since then? I am still feeling like the same ole’ me, maybe a bit more tired but nothing super noticeable.
Just last week I had my dental cleaning, which I really needed. Along with my dental cleaning, I had a regular check up to make sure I was fine to go sleepy time while they cleaned my teeth. Here I am tell you, I did just fine.
They did do another x-ray on me before they did it but my heart looks the same as it did back in November and nothing else was out of whack. So under I went and I was so mad at Mommy and Daddy for leaving me here alone.
During the dental cleaning, I did have my pulse drop some but the vet team said it was fine, they just let up the gas some and up back I went.
I am here and ready for adventure still feeling like me and ready to get some more blogging under my paws. Can’t wait to see where our next adventure will be, hopefully soon!
Until my next writing, kisses to all. Roxy
What We Are Doing For the Doggy Heart Murmur
We are not doing a lot extra for Roxy’s heart murmur at this time. When she was at the vet last week, it still is at a 4 out of 6. And still is only very mildly enlarged.
All her blood work came back semi-normal, there were some things a little wacky. Nothing super abnormal, especially for her though, and nothing the vet thought needed more testing done on.
She isn’t on any prescribed medicine at this time either. However, I do have her some natural things that I’ll list out here to maybe help another furry parent out there.
And the natural things I’ll be listing I think I have helped some. Roxy was running around 10lbs for most of her life with us but the last year or more she was around 9 and that was worrying me. Then we found the heart murmur and I was determined to get her back to around the 10lb mark again.
While I didn’t think of anything at the time. I do think she was a little down and a little less spunk in her step before finding the heart murmur.
After getting her on this stuff though, she is eating more again and is back towards the 10lb mark. Also, she seems to have a bit more spring in her step again. I am hopeful!
This is what I am using right now.
- Young at Heart by Pet Wellbeing – I just started this on Roxy back in January and noted a big difference in her eating once I started it. For her 10lbs, I give her 10 drops two times a day. The first set I let her lick out of my hand, the second I put in with some wet food at around dinner time.
- CoQ10 by Zesty Paws – CoQ10 is a good thing for the heart and giving her this gives me peace of mind. She happily eats this one on her own. But I am changing her from this one to this one…
- Senior Advanced Multivitamin by Zesty Paws – this has the CoQ10 in it but only 10mg vs the 30 I was getting in the above one. So I am not sure if I should keep her at 30 or if the 10 will be fine. This though has so many other benefits in them that could really help her. Time will tell if we both like this one.
- Salmon Oil – I started her out on salmon oil but she started not eating her food when I put it on there. Then switched to another product by Zesty Paws but she wouldn’t eat that on her own. Instead, I smooshed into her wet food at night. I am trying regular salmon oil again though since either way she’ll only eat it with food. I just ordered this one so I can’t say much on it yet.
That is all she is on. Nothing huge or expensive and we still have a happy healthy dog. I only hope that keeps on for many more years. Time will tell but for now, we are all doing good!
Does your dog have a doggy heart murmur? Enlarged heart? Would love all your stories, thoughts, and ideas?