
2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27

Not going to lie, it’s been a rough week. I briefly mentioned last week that Roxy somehow jarred her back and she was down until Sunday when she was back to her zooming self. Sadly though, Wednesday evening she came back in from outside & had grass seeds all over her. And it ended up being that she also got one in her eye. Thankfully, we got it out but not so thankful it scratched up her eye pretty good. So she is on medicine once again for her eye and it’s all gooey and gross. Today was a low day trying to recover from it. Which means this 2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 is the Roxy show. Because she was my main focus all week, which I am sure you can understand.

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I am super hopeful now next week will be much improved. Work will get done and I’ll have energy and zip again. Let’s say a little prayer for me and that is the case. I’m just tired.

Care to see Roxy though because as I said it’s basically all her this week. But for a little peep of our traditional 4th of July!

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 - Day 183 - Puzzle Find in Fred Meyer

Day 183 – Wednesday, July 1st – I had to do a couple of quick errands and browsed the puzzle aisle while in Fred Meyer. Since this whole thing started I like peeking in there to just see how much they are wiped or full. I didn’t need any puzzles. But had to stop and take a picture of this one to send to Jason because of colorful owls! It’s on Amazon too but much more expensive right now. I added it to my wish list from there anyway because it’s easier to keep track of things with a list.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 - Day 184 - Back Home After Long Day at Vet

Day 184 – Thursday, July 2nd – Back in our arms after a full day at the vet. Three medicines to give her twice a day. May have arthritis in her spine but otherwise, we are fully healthy. We are thinking she just jammed her back some from her wild jump off of me. She was so happy to be back with us and on the way home. Still needed window time even though she wasn’t feeling 100%. That’s our girl.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 - Day 185 - Morning Reads

Day 185 – Friday, July 3rd – Just a slow easy morning after yesterday’s crazy. Reading The Vacation by T.M. Logan that I ended up winning. Finished it up later in the week. Great book!

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 - Day 186 - 4th of July Kabob Time

Day 186 – Saturday, July 4th – Just our regular traditional kabobs for the 4th of July. Jason decided to separate certain things for different cooking times. All was super yummy.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 - Day 187 - Feeling a Little Less Sore

Day 187 – Sunday, July 5th – Signs Roxy was starting to feel herself, she crawled onto my lap in the morning for some morning cuddles. She hadn’t done that since she hurt herself. This was just the beginning of the day where she showed more and more of herself.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 - Day 188 - Morning Essentials

Day 188 – Monday, July 6th – Slow morning start. I finished up The Vacation by T.M. Logan this morning too. Just by looking at the way Roxy is laying you could tell she was less achy. Does my heart good.

2020 Catch the Moment 366 Week 27 - Day 189 - Just Waiting Dog

Day 189 – Tuesday, July 7th – I knew Roxy would want a ride. So we loaded up to do a couple of errands with Daddy when he got home from work. She just wanted to go explore while waiting on Daddy in the store.

How was your week? Please let next week be much better!

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