
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17

Last week was another wash on getting anything going on the blog, again. I almost finished the post I’ve been working on but found out that company was coming. Which meant I wanted to do massive cleaning before that. I am hopeful I’ll finish that blog post (and a couple more!) and get them up for you all (and me!). As for this last week of 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17, it’s the baby starting to make her presence even more known.

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This week was a slow one but a good one. I only got one walk in, which I know isn’t great, but at least I got something in. Otherwise, the baby started to receive more gifts. While also making it well known she is growing in that belly of mine. It’s weird to have this big old belly, and I am only 24 weeks.

Care to see the week in photos? One is stolen from Jason’s phone but at least I was with him when he took it!

2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 17

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 17 - Day 113 - Mocktail

Day 113 – Friday, April 23rd – We took a walk downtown as a family in the evening and ended up eating out for dinner. Choosing Brickhouse, and they had some great selection of mocktails, I had two different ones.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 17 - Day 114 - Two Buck Chuck

Day 114 – Saturday, April 24th – Jason got a big chuckle of out this wine. You all know the saying “two buck chuck” for wine. Well, here we are with basically that same name; it wasn’t two bucks, though.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 17 - Day 115 - Baby Gift Love

Day 115 – Sunday, April 25th – Surprise porch gift drop off. A wide selection of clothes for the baby girl and an amazing blanket!

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 17 - Day 116 - More Baby Gifts Arrived

Day 116 – Monday, April 26th – Next day came a gift in the mail from our Amazon registry. I’ve eyed that baby bag since my friend had it, but I thought it could be useful for other things too before I was pregnant. Goodnight Moon & baby washcloths rounded up the delightful gift.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 17 - Day 117 - My Sweet Baby

Day 117 – Tuesday, April 27th – I love my sweet baby girl. Dirty face and all.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 17 - Day 118 - Back to Indoor Soccer to Watch

Day 118 – Wednesday, April 28th – First week back at watching indoor soccer. It’s weird to be back in the arena. Still reading The Light of Days by Judy Batalion that I received as a gift as a blogger. I’m liking it, but some parts are harder to read understand.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 17 - Day 119 - Week 24 Belly

Day 119 – Thursday, April 29th – Here I am at the end of 24 weeks. It’s so weird to have this big outward belly on me. Even more to feel what I call pulses. The best baby shirt – Momma/Baby Shark.

How was your week?

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