Are You Curious if I Have Any Cravings or Aversions in this Pregnancy?
Food seems to be a big conversation once you are pregnant. But isn’t it anytime, really? Who doesn’t love eating some yummy food? However, what happens if something you used to love is now a big no-no in your book. Weird, right? Today I thought it could be fun to talk a bit about my cravings or aversions in this pregnancy.
Do I even have any? Well, we are about to find out!
I have to say, though, before we dive in with all those food talks. Does anyone else get bothered by the saying – oh, but you are eating for two now – eat up! No, that really isn’t the case. Yes, once you hit your second trimester, you need to eat slightly more calories but not much more (roughly 300 calories). Which we all know isn’t much at all. The third trimester goes up a bit more on those calories, but there is no reason to pig out on anything and everything. Eating healthy and balanced is the key. While yes, indulging here and it is perfectly fine.
Okay – moving on to the main topic now. What can’t I get enough or now hate? Anything? Everything? You’ll have to keep scrolling to find out.
Cravings or Aversions in this Pregnancy
Honestly, December and January have been the only times I’ve had any real cravings or aversions. And even then, since I was still questioning I was even pregnant, I didn’t know if it was your average want or something else. I just read today that, for the most part, those cravings and yuck moments happen mostly in the first and second trimester. So I don’t know that I’ll have any huge differences down the road or not since I am already well into my second trimester.
- Potatoes – more so cheesy potatoes. Jason makes this yummy cheesy tater tot thing for me, and I wanted that a lot. We used hash browns instead but still, it’s all I wanted. I also had baked potatoes for lunch. Now, if you know our diet, we don’t do a lot of carbs – or try to. So me wanting these carbs is rare.
- Thin hamburgers – I am not big on hamburgers as a meal. So it’s not my normal go-to choice. But I was craving thin hamburgers. Nothing but thin patties and making them at home wasn’t the same. I found Wendy’s had the thinnest and best patties for hamburgers for locals. I still don’t pass this up but really don’t crave it as I did initially.
- Fruit – I wouldn’t exactly call this a craving, but I am going to include it. I eat a lot of fruit anyway; it’s my favorite. But it seems like I want to eat it much more now. I seriously can’t get enough of it and know I need to portion control it some. But yum!
- Melty Wet Cheese – the only real aversion I’ve had is the completely melted cheese in these chicken and bacon wrap things we get from Costco. I love cheese dip, and that wasn’t affected by this. This was the only thing I couldn’t do; I will try them again soon because we have boxes in the freezer and loved them before.
- Smells – While Jason was cooking, mainly in late December, certain smells wouldn’t sit well with me. They wouldn’t make me sick, and I was fine eating them once done. It was just the act of cooking it.
That is it!
I am curious what are/were your cravings and aversions when pregnant? Did they last the whole pregnancy? Only last a short time? Tell me all about those cravings and aversions of yours – I am inquisitive!