2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 23
I think 2021 is trying to break us. Life is so hard sometimes and so weird. Yes, I have three weeks in a row for the Catch the Moment series, and we all know I’m not too fond of that. There is so much I want to write here and get flowing again, yet life seems to want this year to be a long one for us in many forms—good, bad, and in between. Yet, I am at least getting this 2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 23 up promptly, and that is something.
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Don’t get me wrong, 2021 has brought us joy and will give us joy, but a lot is going on right now that leaves me exhausted in so many different ways. I so want to get up the post about our trip to Bend, Oregon, last month. And I still hope, too, but I just can’t get motivated to get the post going.
Today, I am ready to show you the last week in photos. A day late but not horribly late, thankfully. It was such a random set of photos for the week, which I guess is fun. Ready to see it?
2021 Catch the Moment 365 Week 23
Day 154 – Friday, June 4th – High anxiety meant a long bath to try to relax. Roxy was set to go in for her dental cleaning, but it ended up getting canceled. They had an emergency that came in that pushed everything back, and so they did it the following day, and she was only surgery. This evening while reading, Therapy by Jonathan Kellerman, I was trying to relax and know everything would be fine.
Day 155 – Saturday, June 5th – Home fast and quick with her dental. All went well; I’d love for her to be the only surgery each dental she needs it. We took her in to drop her off at around 8 am. She was under by 9:30 am, and we could pick it her up by 12:30 pm. It was great.
Day 156 – Sunday, June 6th – Such a fast recovery time for her dental cleaning. Which was amazing, especially how worried I was about it. The next day she was completely back to herself with new zooms happening. Yes, she is sleeping here but I swear she was super active.
Day 157 – Monday, June 7th – Not the greatest picture for today. But the better of the three I took. This belly-growing thing is just so weird to me, still. 30 weeks pregnant in this one.
Day 158 – Tuesday, June 8th – I decided it would be fun to do a little photoshoot for my being 30 weeks pregnant. I am sharing this photo, even though you can’t see my belly well, because of Roxy’s expression in it. And note Jason grabbing his belly like he is pregnant too.
Day 159 – Wednesday, June 9th – The newest goodie box from Derma-e. This is in celebration of pride month and so gives a little bit of everything to test out. See anything that catches your eye?
Day 160 – Thursday, June 10th – A little dinner look. This is from Fred Meyer and is a Home Chef. We get these from time to time at Fred Meyer and have enjoyed them. This meal was all grilling cooking, which was nice.
How was your week?