2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 27
I had high hopes that taking the last week almost entirely off the internet would help me recharge. Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’ve been feeling annoyed and just overall tired since getting back home. I still feel like I need some time off and away but trying to push forward. Happily, this 2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 27 is mostly vacation pictures, which is a fun change of pace. I have high hopes around here of sharing more full blog posts about our time away, crossing fingers.
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This past week starts at the beginning of our vacation and ends with our first day back home. So little sneak peeks of what we did while we were away. I am actually kind of excited to share this last week with you. Shall we start?
Without further ado, our last week with a single photo a day.
2022 Catch the Moment 365 Week 27
Day 183 – Saturday, July 2nd – We stopped at this rest area in Yreka, California, Randolph Collier, and it had this fantastic river bed running alongside it. I had to take a walk to get this photo, but I knew I wanted it as soon as we passed it. The rest area itself was also pretty great. Lots of picnic tables and a pretty walking path gave glimpses of this river. This river is the Klamath River, which I had to look up for posting.
Day 184 – Sunday, July 3rd – We were lucky enough to stop for lunch in Pleasant Hill, California, so that we could have lunch with my brother. It was his first time meeting Lily, and Lily loved him right from the word go. She got out of the car and immediately went to him. It was shocking and sweet. I am wearing one of the dresses I snag from Amazon as part of the Amazon Try Before You Buy. I love it; so comfy!
Day 185 – Monday, July 4th – Great Grandma wanted to watch Lily while we explored independently. It was bizarre not to have Lily or Roxy but also refreshing. We walked the beach area of Caramel, California, which was so pretty. We loved this little house we ran across. Doesn’t it look like something from a fairy tale?
Day 186 – Tuesday, July 5th – Exploring Cannery Row in Monterey as our typical family of four. Lily had so much fun getting other people’s attention and trying to love all the dogs.
Day 187 – Wednesday, July 6th – Making our way back up to Oregon to stay in Medford for the night. I had to get a cute photo with our furry baby along the way.
Day 188 – Thursday, July 7th – Instead of going straight home from Medford, we decided to detour over to Crater Lake. 100% worth it!
Day 189 – Friday, July 8th – Home. Trying to relax while Lily took her afternoon nap while fighting to stay awake. So tired. Finally started Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman on our way home. I like it so far.
How was your week?