A Loving Last Letter to Our Wonderful Fur Child

To My Dearest Roxy Girl, a Loving Last Letter To You Our Love:

Oh my sweet, Roxy girl, how we miss you. It’s been a week since we helped you pass to the rainbow bridge. I hope you are running and playing up there like your old puppy self. We know you hadn’t been the same for the last year or two, so we hope you are feeling your fiesty roots again. With this loving last letter to you our wonderful fur child, I hope to let others know how much you meant to us and how hard it was to let you go. We will always love you, and you will always have a big chunk of our hearts.

Loving Last Letter - Social

When We Got You…

You fell into our loving hearts like you were meant to be. You were a bouncy 5-year-old girl in August 2012, and your then-momma had to decide between you and her Mommy. No one wanted to see either of you get hurt, and it was with a heavy heart that your first Mommy placed you into our loving arms. We drove down to Bend, Oregon, one very hot day (our car overheated) and got your snuggly heart. You were unsure why all your toys were packed and kept unpacking them when we arrived to pick you up. You cried when we left in the car and were unsure what was happening when you arrived at our home.

Luckily, it took you no time to realize this was home now and we were your Mommy and Daddy.

Our Years Together…

We took you on your first real vacation with us and realized how much you thrived at the beach. You were as fast as lightning on the beachy shores and bounced around happily.

Catch the Moment 366 Week 26 - Day 180 - Roxy on Long Beach

From there, our adventures together really began. We took you to the beach as often as we could. You helped Mommy with all the blog posts and social shares you could with gusto. Your favorite thing was testing the cars we had played in for many years. Your favorite thing to test was if the center console fit you perfectly.

Big GMC Yukon - Roxy Ready

Let’s not forget to mention that Christmas was your favorite thing ever. For many years, you loved opening your presents on your own. Once your stocking was up, you checked it each morning to see if it was Christmas morning yet.

Roxy Sniffing Christmas Gifts and Stockings

Our life was never dull with you around.

Then You Became a Big Sister…

It was with great surprise that we found out we would be giving you a baby sister of your own. You took on the role with great happiness and care. You knew you were still our baby and seemed happy to have another person to care for and watch over.

2021 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 15 - Day 100 - Roxy is Going to be a Sister
2022 Catch the Moment 365 - Week 12 - Day 83 - Roxy Loves Her Girl

The Last Couple Years…

It has been hard taking care of you for the last couple of years or so of your life. We know your mind was starting to go a bit, and you started losing muscle strength on your hind end. But you always had glowing remarks at your vet appointments. Forever fiesty and fighting to do as you wanted to do. Which was not to be at the doctor’s office. We were happy to help you as much as possible, even with broken sleep and your crashing into things.

Roxy at Westport Aquarium

We helped you as much as we could, until we knew it was time and we couldn’t help you regularly anymore.

Your Last Weekend…

We spent most of Saturday (February 22nd) running errands – you ate a good lunch before we left. When we got home you were stuck behind the couch. We freed you, you went out – all seemed normal. But then you didn’t eat dinner, which was weird. Then you had an odd seizure episode – where just your neck went stiff and you were stuck and stiff for a tiny bit. We thought we may be losing you then.

But then you loosened, and everything seemed okay, but you were tired.

On Sunday, you cuddled with me and were a bit wobbly when you tried to walk. You ate and drank very little until evening. Then you have a hot dog and even eat some hard food and treats from your dish. You had an episode or two of the stiff neck seizure.

I awoke to you early Monday morning having a full seizure while you were still sleeping. You slept until I woke up and got you up on Monday. When I got you outside, you were not walking well and seemed to walk to the side. You did a quick potty outside and then I brought you in. Where, after sniffing your dish, you had another full seizure. That is when I knew it was time. I called your Daddy to let him know it was time. Then, make the tough call to your vet to schedule an appointment later that afternoon.

Arriving at the vet, you were unhappy and did not want to be there. You knew something was happening and you did not like it. You fought like crazy while we waited and gave yourself another stiff neck/head seizure. Then when they brought you into the back to get the IV in, you yelled and screamed. You don’t know how bad I wanted to sweep you up and take you out of there, but we knew it was time. Forever our fiesty girl.

The most challenging and most gut-wrenching part is that I held you as they gave you the sleepy drug, where you instantly fell against me. I couldn’t look down at you anymore and started bawling. Then they gave you your forever night-night drug and I lost it even more. It felt like my heart was getting thrown on the floor and stomped on, then trying to be shoved back into my chest.

Walking out without you was the most surreal feeling ever.

My Loving Last Letter…

Roxy Anne – you’ll forever be our baby girl. We love you.

Born: February 9th, 2007
Gotcha Day: August 2012
Rainbow Bridge: February 24, 2025

Our memories will fill your void, as Lily still says every night as she looks up at the living room ceiling. Goodnight, Roxy, up in the sky. And she says you say, ruff, ruff!


We miss you.

With love always this loving last letter, Mommy, Daddy, and Lily.

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