MorningStar Burgers Review of Yum!
We had tried these type of burgers before and loved them even though we are meat eaters. We only eat red meat though one time a week usually, so we don’t do to bad on that factor. I wasn’t sure what type of burgers we’d end up with when I accepted this campaign from BzzAgent.
I can say my friend Debbie was excited for me to get on this campaign cause she wanted some coupons from me. She got two of my coupons right off the bat then. Shortly after giving her coupons we went to the store & picked out what type we wanted with our free coupon. As soon as I spotted the Tomato & Basil Pizza Burgers, I knew that was the one I wanted. It just sounded so good!
We had them a few days later with a little marina on the buns with a slice of cheese. It was pure yum! We even had the other two patties the next day with our dinner. Two days in a row of the same burger, so it had to be good!
This was our meal from the first night, as seen up above. We added a salad & homemade fries. Was pure goodness!
Learn more about MorningStar by liking their facebook page – here. They even have a Meatless Monday link where you have a mission that Monday & have the chance to win some amazing prizes by doing the mission on that Monday.
MorningStar has many meatless products for you to choose from, so you can find a type that would melt your tastebuds! Since its meatless its healthier for you & taste just as good. So why not go out & grab yourself a couple MorningStar products and give it a try, you might be surprised at how well you like it!
I was given a free coupon for MorningStar product. I receive MyPoints from BzzAgent for reviewing the product. However I only recommend products I truly like and am in no way influenced by receiving the product for free. All thoughts & pictures are my own.