Are you a Tv/Movie junkie?

I have to admit that I am.  I love watching Tv and since I am home most days doing my online work, the Tv helps keep me company.

Just recently I was given a free month of Hulu Plus and thought I’d give it a go since I had been curious about it for so long.  At first I was very meh about it.  Some decent movies, some shows, and some kids stuff.

Then I got to watching the whole series of the Alfred Hitchcock Presents, I am on the first season up to episode 17.  I am loving it.  I am excited to be able to watch the whole series!  They also have the whole Twilight Zones, which again I plan to watch from Season 1 and on.

Lucky for us they also had the full last season of Bones, which rocked for us since we missed most of last season.  We are slowly catching up on that, the ones we missed are in our queue so we don’t have to search for them each time.  It’s been so handy.

I had planned on only keeping the one month and then canceling it, but I found I was like it so much that I am keeping it for now.

It’s only 7.99 a month, plus whatever applicable taxes in your state.  It’s not a bad deal.  Wanna try two weeks free on me?  Take a look here and try it.  There are a wide range of shows, both current and old.  I bet you find something that you’re going to enjoy like I have been my Alfred.

Let me know if you give it a go and come back and tell me if you found a show/movie that you are giddy over!

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