Healthy Tuesday – Buying Local Food
I have been having a hard time coming up with Healthy Tuesday topics, which is why I didn’t post one last week. Today I posted for help on my facebook and happily a couple people chimed in with some ideas and thus will have some Healthy Tuesday ideas for a few weeks at least.
Buying local, suggested by Veronica, we all know we should do it and you know it taste better and is usually better for you. How many of us actually do it though? I know, me for one, I don’t do it as often enough as I should.
Heck the Farmers Market each weekend is just down the road from us, yet we haven’t been done there one single time since it started. Why? I couldn’t tell you. Weekends seem to rush by, and I don’t even give a thought to walking down there during the day and coming back with all this local goodness. I NEED to do this and more often.
Local is amazing. Not only are you supporting those right in your own town/community, the products are fresher for you. You are getting them right off the vine or right from someones kitchen. Tell me again, why I am not buying local more? It needs to happen with more regularity.
Tell me, do you buy local? Are you making more of an effort to buy local? It seems to even be in the news more, buy local. Yes we all need to do it more.
What benefits do you know of that you get from buying local vs buying whatever is in the store?