Picture a Day in December – 1st

The lovely Jen from From One Journey To The Next posted this a few days ago and decided I’d jump in and do it too.

I went back and forth on how I wanted to do it.  If I wanted to just take a photo each day and find whatever it is suppose to be that day or take photos for the week on one day, I decided to do the take the photo that day and see what I can come up with.

Here is the Meme for the challenges for the 31 days of December in case you want to play along & I hope you do!

You get me bare faced, in my pj’s and hair pulled back wet as its drying.  So not flattering, but it’s me – I was brave and didn’t just post a random other selfie of me in a better light!
Today was a not leave the house, get some work around the house & get my exercise in, so the shower was much needed, and you didn’t want to see me before the shower. 😉

Sharing is caring!