Picking back up from my first part of the year of 2013 review, we have the second half of the year. Which may or may not be as exciting as the first half. We shall see since my guess is just as good as yours for the most part.
July Beginning out the month we found this lump on Roxy’s chest, and I completely freaked out. The vet figured it was just some kind of infection and would improve. Come to find out, there was a grass seed stuck under her skin festering. When we got back from her follow up appointment and it was still there, we had to set up surgery for her to get it out. Happily as soon as we get home I found out that its bleeding and I look at it, and the grass seed is sticking out and so I happily just pull it out and presto no surgery. Though she still went in for her dental cleaning. But no expensive surgery needed.
We also went to the Oregon Zoo with Donavan and Emily for Huey Lewis on the 6th. It was way to over crowded and annoyed all four of us, where we decided we’d probably never do a concert at the zoo again if they oversell like that. Huey himself was fun though!
I was also picked to do a MorningStar Party from House Party. Which I got very little response on, which saddened me. It ended up only being myself, Jason, Debbie and of course Roxy. I can always depend on my Debbie girl! Though maybe if I had hosted it on Sunday I could have dragged Shane over at least.
Started out with another long journey for my nephew Ray’s wedding. We stopped and stayed with Teresa and Jakob on our way up to Republic and able to see their beautiful new home. In Republic we had lots of family time and camped without really camping since we only slept there, so in my book that doesn’t count as an actual camping trip.
At the end of the month we again headed to the Oregon Coast where we had rented a house with Jason’s cousin Brent and his wife Jackie and their daughter Holli. It was a wonderful time and one I hope that we can make a new tradition. I do love my traditions and am always looking for new ones no matter the season or reason.
Was again a pretty quiet month. We did go down to Eugene forEmily’s 30th Birthday Bash. Which was enjoyable but with so many people I didn’t know there, I was a tad uncomfortable and therefore didn’t get many photos and mainly got puppy shots because I love the puppies!
Also, it was my 34th birthday!! We didn’t do anything that I can recall, and nothing is wrote down in my calendar.
Looking at my book & my blog, it seems like another quiet month. Jason had indoor soccer again, we went to the Cameo quite often. That was about it.
Was a bit more busy again and good type busy! I had won tickets to Comedy on the Coast at the Chinook Winds Casino for the 2nd. Jason and I decided to make a night of it and had Grandma watch Roxy, and we stayed at Pelican Shores (which was beautiful, and the bed was so comfortable). The comedy was great, and we enjoyed playing the slots. It was the first time we had ever left Roxy overnight, so that was a bit hard.
The following weekend I hosted a Hasbro Game Night from House Party. That was a lot of fun! We did a Mexican type theme and the games were just as fun. Would have been nice if more had responded, but am grateful for those that did come!
The house party was also supposed to help celebrate Jason’s birthday, but I ended up putting together a kind of last minute gathering at the Cameo to surprise Jason for the Friday after his birthday – the 15th. He was totally floored and ended up with several shots bought for him. I was pleased that he was that surprised and that people came!
Lastly I went a country dance club for the first time ever called Dukes in Portland. Tammy invited me, and while I was scared, I was excited to be invited and went happily along. They got me to dance one song, and it was fun but I felt so stupid and stiff. It’ll hopefully get better, but it was still so much fun!!
Was basically filled with your normal Holiday things We got our tree the first full weekend of December, we wrapped gifts, sent off gifts and had a kind of botched cookie exchange on the 21st.
We also went up to my husbands Uncle’s house for a gathering on the 29th and did a white elephant exchange.
Happy New Year You All!!! I hope 2014 is only filled with good for all of you, including me!