Welcome to 2014 – This Year I Will

Its a whole new year, which means a big new chapter is all blank and ready to be filled with words, photos and memories.  Are you ready to fill your blank chapter?

To fill my chapter I’d like to accomplish a few things and what a better way to keep myself up with them then to log them here to share with you all.

  • Grow my readership even more then I did last year.  Doing this by joining in on  more link up’s and commenting on others blogs – you’d be amazed on how many views you can get just by commenting on others posts plus you are helping up a fellow blogger which is awesome.
  • Completely achieving the #catchthemoment365 challenge – which is take a single photo everyday and then posting it each week with a link up.  It’ll be fun and challenging.
  • Do more research on getting my own domain.  I’d love to actually buy my own domain, but I need to at least achieve researching it out more and see if we can afford to actually buy it, etc.
  • Post almost daily – it amazes me how much my views go up when I post more frequently.  I was awful about only posting once or twice a week.  Plus it’ll be more then just reviews from here on out.
  • Putting more in our actual savings.  I did fairly well on transferring out my paypal into my savings this year, but I was mainly just paying back what I had taken out during the year.  I’d like to put actual savings into our money market account, even if its just little bits here and there.  We are blessed not to have any real debt, so we have that going for us.
  • Hiking more.  Last year we hiked Beacon Rock for our 10th anniversary, and it was so much fun plus was an amazing workout.  I want to do more of that.  Going out and exploring.
  • Camping at least once this year.  Even if its just Jason, myself & Roxy – I want to camp, real camping. Ideally we’d get others to go with us, because its much more fun to camp with others, but its on the list of actual DO’s this year.
  • Explore more of the Portland area.  We suck about crossing the bridge.  I am not sure why.  Its just a hop skip and jump but we rarely go that way.  This year I want to do the things I have had on my list forever for exploring Portland.  Things like:  Using in my gift certificates that I have for downtown Portland places, going to Harveys again or trying out the Helium Club for the first time, exploring Pittock Mansion and the surrounding grounds, going to the Japanese Tea Garden and so many other things.  Name something, and we probably haven’t done it yet and want to.
  • Go to the actual Farmers Market in Vancouver.  We are in walking distance, yet never have actually gone.  Why?  I don’t know.  Lazy?  Probably.  It will happen this coming Spring/Summer if not multiple times.
  • Do more trips – weather they be day trips, weekend trips, or full on week vacations.  I want more.
  • Do more walks.  I love taking walks, but I get so annoyed at going by myself.  So do more walks while trying to figure out who will go with me.
  • Go Out to eat/drink less – I laughed when I realized just how  much we spent/went out to the Cameo this last year.  So only once or twice a month for the most part this year for us.  
  • Get some pictures on the walls.  We have lived here for several years now but yet there are no pictures hanging.  I need to hang some new and old photos and make it feel more “homey”.
  • Get the spare room on the main floor cleared out and organized the way we want it.  Which also means painting it there and hopefully putting down new flooring as well.
  • Getting an office downstairs in the nook of the basement.  Since we mainly use our laptops now at the couch with our laptop desk, its not as needed on the main floor and the nook is the perfect area for it. This nook would include our desktop, the scanner and printer (hopefully get a wireless printer so I can print up on the main floor and have it still print down there).
  • Actually getting a garden in this year.
  • Hopefully get the main bathroom finally redone like we have been planning since we moved in.
  • Paint, Paint, Paint – I am so tired of these white walls and putting some color all around would help make the house feel better all over.  
  • Maybe, just maybe, finally getting a new comfy reclining couch and a new mattress for our bed – those are very maybes, but would be nice if we found a deal or ran into a bit of extra money.  Time will tell.
I think those are my goals/achievements for this year.  I think they are all super achievable, just will take some leg work and thought.
Here is to a new year and the new blank chapter of this thing called My Life.

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