All About Me Friday–Hoarding at its Finest

This week’s prompt asked me about my collections.  I have several so hoarding came to mind, I’d like to think though I don’t run over on what I do indeed collect and I have to say that its many.  This post probably will only get a few items, but trust me I am sure there are many more.

  • We shall start with my books.  I am pretty good anymore about not keeping the books I have read and were not anything special to me.  I have a thing though with collecting books to read.  As evidence by the picture I am including.  I love books and love having choices when I go to pick out my new book.  Love going to yard sales and used book stores and getting cheap books, it makes me happy.  Plus I download like crazy books that sound good to me on  my kindle too, who knows just how many books I have on there, all free though – except for one or two that were bought for me.  And I did buy The Host because it was on sale and it was something I really wanted to read.  Even though I am good about not keeping the books I have read, they are in fact still sitting down in the basement waiting to go to Powell’s or some other places where I can get something back for them.  We won’t mention just how  many boxes of books are down there, but trust me they are meant for other places; they just haven’t gotten there yet.

Unread Books - Angie's Angle

  • Eye shadow, I just can’t help myself when it comes to seeing these pretty new eye shadows and I just have to try them.  Plus add in eyeliners and mascara and we have a problem.  Not a HUGE problem mind you, but still a slight problem since I collect them like crazy, but I do look for deals on them and just don’t pay full price without blinking an eye.  A slight view of my “collection” can be seen below.

Collection of Eye Shadows - Angie's Angle

  • The last thing I am going to touch on is my game collection.  I love playing board and card games and love getting a new game to try.  Love when we want to play a game that there are many choices to choose from and we are not limited to just one or two picks.  Since I like such a wide variety of type of games, there is a wide variety to choose from.  My Amazon Wish List has several games on it as well because hello a new game is exciting, especially with a good group of people.

Game Collection - Angie's Angle

What about you, what do you collect?  I’d love to hear it. 

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