Healthy Tuesday with Blake’s Intoxicating Detoxification

With us getting our juicer finally for Christmas we have been looking for the right juicing drinks for us and I am pretty happy with the one I’ll be sharing below that I found in a past issue of Us Weekly.  I just made it up tonight for Jason to drink in the morning and wow I thought I’d even drink this.  It’s good. 

The beet’s in it should help lower his blood pressure, which is what I had been looking for.  The previous drink we had tried for lowering the blood pressure Jason couldn’t handle well, and we couldn’t figure out what was the overpowering ingredient in it.  This is amazing though and thought I’d share it with you all plus be able to pin it for myself so I don’t have to keep the magazine around.

I’ll also include the grams like I had to figure out, so that if you use your kitchen scale like I did, that you’d already have them on hand.

Blake's Intoxicating Detoxification with Healthy Tuesday

Blake’s Intoxicating Detoxification

1 cup kale (67 grams)
2 leaves Swiss chard
1/2 cup parsley (15 grams)
1/2 small beet
1/2 cup pineapple
2 medium green apples
1/2 medium lemon, peeled
1 sprig fresh mint

Remember it’s a juicing recipe, so just throw all those thing into your juicer and enjoy!

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