Makeup Monday–My Makeup Routine

I love makeup.  Love it.  I think this has been said time and time again in many forms on this blog, but I just can’t state it enough.  I love makeup, and I love experimenting with makeup.  You never know if you are going to like something on until you play with it and see what it looks like.

Not to say that I don’t have a set routine that I do on most days though when I put my makeup on.  I thought a fun thing to do would be to introduce you to my regular routine/products.

Routine of my Makeup - The whole set up
My makeup routine is very basic on most days.  I don’t wear it everyday, because half of the time I don’t even get out of my pj’s.  Therefore, I don’t feel the need to put my face on either without getting dressed. 

After I wash my face and put on my moisturizer and maybe some acne product if I feel the need I start in on putting together my face and as I say Putting My Face On.

Routine of my Makeup - Primer for my Face

Face Primer – depending on how my skin is looking and what kind of cover-up I’ll be putting on I choose my primer from the ones pictured above.  I make sure to get my neck as well as my face while applying to soothe out my skin and make it look even and smooth.

Routine of my Makeup - Face CoverUp

Cover-up – I need some kind of cover-up, ALWAYS.  My face is just gross and uneven and full of either new or old acne.  I just don’t like my skin.  So again choosing some kind of cover-up again depends on what I am doing for the day and how my skin is looking that day.

Routine of my Makeup - Primer for Eyelids

Eyelid Primer – A few years back I landed on this thing called eye shadow primer and I fell in love and now will no longer apply eye shadow first without applying some primer.  My favorite is the urban decay.  I had heard good things about the Too Faced, but am not a huge fan of it personally.

Routine of my Makeup - Eye Shadow

Eye Shadow – then comes the fun to pick out which eye shadow combos I want to do that day.  I apply to my eye lid, my crease and then my upper lid.  After all three layers are done, I take a bigger brush and kind of blend them together a tiny bit.

Routine of my Makeup - Eyeliner

Eye Liner – is my next step.  I usually use black or brown, but sometimes I use a splash of different colors if I am feeling it.  I usually use stick eyeliners, but I am beginning to love the drawing my own line with jar eye liners.

Routine of my Makeup - Mascara

Mascara – is my final step always.  I choose which one I am feeling that day and apply a couple swoops to my eyes.  Upper and lower lashes.

Those are my basic everyday steps.  I usually do some kind of lip gloss or chapstick.  And sometimes I add in a bit of loose powder on my t-zone, again totally depending on how I am looking and what I’ll be doing.

As you can tell though, I totally like variety.  It’s the spice of life!

What kind of routine do you usually have on your makeup?

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