Wife 2 Wife–Spouse Take Over Questions
Kelly & Cheltee started up this fun link up for each month and this is the first one EVER. It’s for Wife’s. Every Wednesday at the end of each month will be a new theme to answer. Being the first one its all about the spouses answering the questions!
1} What first attracted you to your wife?
Magnets was answered after much I don’t know, do I have a wife..etc…etc – – Pretty smile.
2} After a long day what does your wife do that helps you relax/remind you that she loves you?
Walks on my back.
3} What is your favorite thing to do with your wife?
*he laughed and laughed at this one* – Laugh
4} What is something your wife does or doesn’t do that you want her to do more of?
*laughs again* – Massage my back and cook.
5} If you could compare your love story to any book or movie, what would it be and why?
Never-ending Story – because its still being written
6} Where would you go if you could have another honeymoon?
New Orleans or Hawaii
FYI – this short little answers took FOREVER to pull out of him. But he was a trooper and answered them all, in his words. Leaving out some of the babble and teasing and weirdness.