Catch the Moment 365 2014 – Week 34 #CatchtheMoment365
Catch the Moment 365 2014 was the idea of Mindi of Simply Stavish, Sarah of Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming our wonderful hosts that are guiding us through this journey through this Facebook Group. If you are interested in joining along just check out one or all their pages and join the facebook group, Or you can click the button on my right side panel. Feel free to join up at any time in the year and see what you can do!
Again, not a super exciting week over here. I am getting on ball again though with blog posting and scheduling out things. I love it when I have posts all scheduled out and ready. It makes me feel put together.
It’s been so hot the last few days, but I have been motivated, which is nice.
Our last week? It seemed like it was soccer, soccer, and more soccer.
Catch the Moment 365 – Week 34
Day 232 – August 20th, Wednesday – This is the look we get when its soccer night. She hates when Daddy’s bag comes out and she hopes that it’ll be a different outcome, but she knows its not going to be. She is going to be left alone with the Tv or radio on and a light. She just wants to go play soccer with everyone else!
Day 233 – August 21st, Thursday – I actually got a photo very early in the day. Roxy was sunbathing with the morning sun and she looked so cute and relaxed I couldn’t help capture it.
Day 234 – August 22nd, Friday – Jason ended up with two games again on Friday. We had an hour wait though in between his regular one and the one he was going to sub on. By the time he was done I completely starving and just wanted to go home. So Taco Bell it was. This was my dinner.
Day 235 – August 23rd, Saturday – This was a cute little flower I actually found alive in our sidewalk area. I was pretty pleased with my little find.
Day 236 – August 24th, Sunday – Juicing juice prep work for our Mint Julep for Monday morning.
Day 237 – August 25th, Monday – We have been promising Roxy a good walk and have been totally failing at that. Monday evening we finally did it and I found this pretty yellow rose starting to open up.
Day 238 – August 26th, Tuesday – I was running around late and asking Jason what I should take a photo of? I need something, quick. So he suggested the inside of the fridge. So here we are, inside of our fridge. This is what happens when you have grocery shopped this past weekend and have had actual meals this week.