
Finish This…Week #33

Finish This wouldn’t be such a success without the following beautiful ladies – Our lovely hosts are the following:  Lisa at Coastlined, Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Arizona Russums, and Becky at The Java Mama!  Check them out and then play along!

Before I get into this week’s prompt, I’d love for you to check out last week’s Finish This…Week #32 – it was one of my favorite Finish This prompts and I had the most fun thinking up 13 things to tell you about me.

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Finish This…Week #33 Prompts:

I feel stupid when…
Gosh, all the time it feels like.  I feel like I am slow at learning things and sometimes comprehending what others are saying to me.  I know this probably isn’t the case, as my husband likes to keep telling me, but it sure feels like it.  

I feel like a dumb dumb because I never know what to say to people.  I sit there and listen and enjoy, but nothing runs into my mind what to say.  So I feel like the stupid on the log waiting for words to come to me.  

Now get me online and I can usually jabber away at you and thinking of a zillion things to say to you or ask you, but in person all I hear in my head is jeopardy music.  

I hope I never…
Have to know a world without Jason in it.  I know its likely he’ll pass before me since he is 9 years older, but the thought just runs panic into me and I don’t know what I’d do without him by my side.  To be my best friend, my love, my life, my world.  The thought sends utter panic into me and I fear it quite often.  I need to just enjoy and not worrying about it, but sometimes it really panics me.  He centers me, he makes my world a better place, he is the first person I want to tell anything and everything too.  He is who I want to do every first with.  Without him, I don’t know what I’d do.


My one piece of advice to the world…
Be Happy.  Enjoy Life.  You only get one life, and therefore you should never run around in this one life you are granted unhappy.  Change what makes you unhappy.  Don’t let yourself be anything but happy.  

Be Happy

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