Hi there, So Happy to Have You Over for Game Night #blogboost

Today’s prompt from the UltimateBlogChallenge had to deal with sharing a photograph. Oh that is an easy one to follow for me, if you have been along with me any amount of time you know my love of photos.  Afterall, I am doing the Catch the Moment 365 challenge and loving it!  Several ideas ran across in my mind and I didn’t know what path I wanted to take, but I decided that I would pretend that you were coming over to my house for a game night.  One of my favorite gatherings.  So Hi there, So Happy to Have You Over for Game Night…

I welcome you at the door.  Let you know to please make yourself at home and you look upon our main living room that you enter as soon as you step foot into our house.

Tour of our House - View 1 - Main Living Room

Please excuse the clutter, I never did get a chance to clean up like I would have liked before you came.  But again, please just make yourself at home.  Our home is your home.

I point over to the second living room area to your right and say I really want to buy a sectional couch for in there and just have this room have a chair or two and a love seat. Hopefully in time we can do that so we have more seating to have people over and open up the space a bit more.

Tour of our House - View 2 - Second Living Room

I walk you towards the dining room through the second living room area.  This is where we’ll sit and play some games, eat, drink, and have much laughter and enjoyment.  I am so excited for our game night!

Tour of the House - View 3 - The Dining Room

I state that I really want a new dining room table as well.  Like one of those counter height ones in a dark wood.  That again will be someday, hopefully in the near future, you never know!

There is food and drinks in the kitchen, help yourself at anytime.  Like I said I totally want you to make yourself at home here.  

Tour of our House - View 4 - Main Living Room from Dining Room

Sitting at the dining room table we look back into the main living room, on the TV will either be some movie or TV show to watch or music to listen to while we play.  We’ll decide that later.  

Tour of our House - View 5 - Peek back into the Second Living Room

You take a peek back into the second living room on your way to use the bathroom.

After several hours of games, food and drinks along with laughter.  It is time for you to go. Please do come again, we love having people over.  We should do a monthly game night!

I will share the rest of our house here by here.  I figured this would be a fun way to do it. Mostly I’ll share when we go to redo things so I have a better before and after showing.



Sharing is caring!