Finish This Week #46

Finish This wouldn’t be such a success without the following beautiful ladies:  Lisa at Coastlined, Nicole at Three 31, Jen at The Arizona Russums, and Becky at The Java Mama!  Check them out and then play along!

I’ve so enjoyed my many weeks of Finish This link up, you should really start to play along. You’ll love it!!  As you know the year is already winding down and there is a BIG Finish This coming up. It goes live December 31st, if you’d like the prompts just email me and I can get them to you.



1.  If I could fly to any destination tomorrow, I’d go to…
This is a hard one, only because there are so many places I want to go.  Places I have been before and places I have yet been.  I think though right now top in my head is visiting Las Vegas.  I really want to go, so if I had the chance (and Jason could go with me) I’d totally say Las Vegas tomorrow, please!

Other places that I was debating saying: New Orleans (been twice, NEED to go again), Hawaii, San Diego, Maine, and Australia.

Places I Have Traveled Riverwalk in 2009

2.  My best advice for travelling is…
Plan as much as you can in advance, but also allow room for “whatever” areas as well, because sometimes those are the best types.

3.  I (like / dislike) to travel because…


  • being able to be in an area out your normal routine
  • enjoying eating out
  • taking all sort of photos
  • enjoy time away with Jason and most often Roxy
  • experiences


  • cost
  • worry about being away from the house/job
  • not remembering to take something with me and realize I need it
  • Didn’t I mention COST?  I think that is the HUGE dislike


Always remember to take time to enjoy your travel.  No matter where you are going or what you are doing.  Its something to take in and enjoy every little bit you can.

Prompts for WEEK 47– November 26
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition
My most memorable Thanksgiving was
My favorite Thanksgiving food or dish
I’m so thankful

Sharing is caring!