I don’t know about you, but I am very anal about my oral health. I brush twice a day. The evening is with my electric toothbrush and the manual in the morning after coffee. I floss most evenings and do my mouthwash most evenings as well. I like to present a cleaning white smile and fresh breath. I didn’t use my mouthwash in the mornings as well, since what I was using I have to wait 30 minutes before eating or drinking after using it. During the day, that really isn’t possible.
Now with the Listerine UltraClean Mouthwash, I can swish my germs away in the morning too. I was thrilled when I realized that the Listerine UltraClean Mouthwash doesn’t have fluoride in it, so that 30 minute wait isn’t something I have to do with this. Color me Happy!
Did you know that brushing alone misses 75% of your mouth? Hard to believe isn’t it? Which is why using mouthwash is so important.
With Listerine UltraClean mouthwash, it kills bacteria that brushing alone misses, leaving you with a cleaner, healthier mouth!
I was a bit worried about a burning taste in my mouth while using it, but I was happily surprised that it didn’t have any burning at all. Just cool freshness.
Have you tried the Listerine UltraClean yet? If not, you totally should. I think you’d be pleasantly surprised. I know I was!
Thanks to Crowdtap for my great sample!