Meet My Blogger Love People for January
I have had two blogger loves on my side panel for a while now and have meant to introduce you all to them because they are awesome. But it wasn’t until I picked up third that I was reminded you know you really need to introduce them!
Before I switch around my blogger loves (and I totally keep typing lovers, just found that humorous, so had to share), which will be at the end of next month, I decided it was time to let them introduce themselves. You should hop on over and visit them, you are going to love them!
Jenn over at Freebie Addiction
Hi, my name is Jenn and I live in the pacific northwest like Angie and absolutely love it. Except when it downpours, which is 9 months out of the year. LOL
I am an avid bargain hunter. I don’t believe in paying retail when you can get a great deal on practically anything. I am also embarking on a new journey of parenthood, which means I need to ramp up my savings because we all know babies aren’t exactly cheap. I don’t consider myself an expert frugalista, but maybe one day I’ll get there. I love blogging, playing video games, being outdoors and spending time with family and friends.
Three posts of hers you must check out:
Susannah over at Simple Moments Stick
Hi there! I’m Susannah and I blog at Simple Moments Stick. I’m live with my handsome hubby in Portland, Oregon. Nate and I have been married about three and a half years and just recently had our first kiddo – a son named Caleb. Nate just graduated from seminary here in Portland and is looking for a position as a pastor. Yep, I’m a future pastor’s wife and I love it! Simple Moments Stick is a place where I share all aspects of my life. One day you I might talk about my family (I have ELEVEN brothers and sisters!), another day I might talk about my faith, and a third day I might flaunt how awesome my husband is. (Although, he thinks that should be ALL I blog about) My heart behind my blog is to connect with other women around the country (and
Simple Moments Stick is a place where I share all aspects of my life. One day you I might talk about my family (I have ELEVEN brothers and sisters!), another day I might talk about my faith, and a third day I might flaunt how awesome my husband is. (Although, he thinks that should be ALL I blog about) My heart behind my blog is to connect with other women around the country (and world!) to love on and encourage one another. Come on over and visit! Make sure you leave a comment so I know you stopped by and I’d LOVE to become your friend!!!
Three posts of hers you must check out:
Shauna over at Pickles n Peppers
I am Shauna Lynn, owner and head writer over at Pickles & Peppers. I have been married for over 12 years. I have 3 cats and 1 kitten. Trouble and Emily are going on 13, Jillybean is going on 3 years old, and Tiger is 6 months and a recent rescue. I have 12 nieces & nephews, several godchildren, and honorary nieces & nephews. I also have an unofficial adopted daughter who is in basic training for the Marines right now. It’s definitely a unique life. I started writing up my “recipes” about 10 years ago, but didn’t put them into blog form until about 4 years ago. I got serious about blogging and expanded my scope beyond food when I was told I would never be able to work again due to Congestive Heart Failure and several other health conditions. I love blogging and love my blogging family.
I started writing up my “recipes” about 10 years ago but didn’t put them into blog form until about 4 years ago. I got serious about blogging and expanded my scope beyond food when I was told I would never be able to work again due to Congestive Heart Failure and several other health conditions. I love blogging and love my blogging family.
Three posts of hers you must check out:
Want to be featured and sponsored next? I have to figure out the details, but I was thinking a giveaway would be a fun way to start the ball rolling for it. What do you all think?